Submitted by ymwon2 on
Information Session
Secondary School Students
Third Round of CityUHK Science Patent Challenge Kicks Started
CSCI held an information session on September 20 kick-starting the CityUHK Science Patent Challenge 2024/25.

With high popularity, the College of Science (CSCI) is proud to announce that the “CityUHK Science Patent Challenge” comes to the third round! All the 3 winning inventions of the second round were granted Hong Kong short-term patents by the Intellectual Property Department. Congratulations!

Co-organised by CityUHK’s Office of the Provost and Deputy President and CSCI, the CityUHK Science Patent Challenge 2024/25 aims to nurture secondary school students’ respect for intellectual property and to ignite creativity. CSCI held an information session on September 20 kick-starting the new round.

Professor Daniel Ho, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education) of CSCI, warmly welcomed about 50 secondary school students and their teachers who joined the info session in person.

The College revisited the teams’ outstanding performance with a newly produced video, and announced the good news that same as the first year, with professional support from a patent attorney appointed by the College, all the 3 winning inventions of CityUHK Science Patent Challenge 2023/24 were granted Hong Kong short-term patents by the Intellectual Property Department, HKSAR Government. The achievement of conducing a total of 6 patents in 2 years serves as a testimony to Hong Kong secondary school students’ talent in science.

Professor Daniel Ho and Professor Alex Wong , Associate Dean (Outreach and Internationalisation) of CSCI, presented the patent certificates to the winning team representatives from Lung Kong World Federation School Limited Lau Wong Fat Secondary School (Gold Award), Diocesan Girls’ School (Silver Award), and St. Stephen’s Girls’ College (Silver Award).

Professor Ho (first on the left) and Professor Wong (first on the right) presented the short-term patent certificates to the team from Lung Kong World Federation School Limited Lau Wong Fat Secondary School, the Gold Award winner in the second Science Patent Challenge.
Professor Ho and Professor Wong presented the short-term patent certificates to the team representatives from Diocesan Girls’ School, the Silver Award winner in the second Science Patent Challenge.
Professor Ho and Professor Wong presented the short-term patent certificates to the team representatives from St. Stephen’s Girls’ College, the Silver Award winner in the second Science Patent Challenge.
The team representatives shared their experience and pointed out that CityUHK faculty members helped to finetune their project ideas.


After the certificate presentation, the team representatives of the 3 teams participated in a dialogue with Professor Alex Wong, shared their experiences in overcoming challenges and the meaningful parts of the competition. They also pointed out how the CityUHK faculty members helped to finetune their project ideas.

Professor Alex Wong introduced the details of the CityUHK Science Patent Challenge 2024/25, which is now open for registration. All full-time secondary school students can participate individually or form a team of no more than eight participants in the name of their school. Students and their mentor teachers can join the “Intellectual Property Workshop” in mid-October and seek professional advice from CityUHK professors about their research direction. Shortlisted teams for the Final Pitch will be invited to present their inventions to the judges in person in February 2025. The Gold and Silver Award-winning teams will be provided with the full fee and a consultation with a patent attorney for the application of a Hong Kong short-term patent. The patent will help protect their inventions and convey the message of respecting intellectual property.

Taking this opportunity, Professor Andy Siu, Director of Flagship Programme, introduced the College’s Flagship Programme: Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT), to the participants.

Professor Alex Wong introduced the details of the CityUHK Science Patent Challenge 2024/25, which is now open for registration.
Professor Andy Siu introduced the College’s Flagship Programme: Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT), to the participants.