Master's Students

The College of Science and respective departments offer various scholarships and awards to recognize Master students' academic achievement.

CSCI Academic Excellence Awards


To recognize the outstanding performance of Master’s programme students of the College of Science admitted from September 2024 onward who have attained the 1st and 2nd highest CGPA and earned a certain number of credits without failed grades by the end of Semester A*.

Eligibility and Credit Earned Requirement*:
  For students who are NOT studying the specified year-long research component courses For student who have taken the following year-long research component courses, i.e. CHEM6127 and PHY6528.
Full-time Students
(by Semester A of their 1st year of study)
12 credits 9 credits
Part-time Students
(by Semester A of their 2nd year of study)
No. of Award: A total of 6 awards (to the top two students of MScCHEM, MScFMS and MScAP programmes) will be granted automatically each year.

Each award recipient will receive Festival Walk Coupons worth HK$2,000.
Selection: In the event that more than one student attained the same CGPA, the programme offering unit will be invited to confirm the best candidate based on the students’ overall performance.