Outstanding Young Researcher Award (YRA)

The College of Science (CSCI) aspires to be a world-renowned hub for pioneering scientific research and innovation as well as quality teaching and learning in multiple disciplines of science. The College Outstanding Young Research Award (CSCI-YRA) is established to recognise and reward research excellence of young faculty members at the College, to emphasise the College’s commitment to create an environment conducive to high quality research at an internationally competitive level, as well as to enhance the College’s research performance.


There will be a maximum of two awards each year. An award of HK$30,000 (to be designated by the recipient for staff development, lab consumables or equipment) will be given in appreciation of the awardee’s outstanding research achievements. Awardees will be invited to share their research achievements in College events and publications.


  • All full-time CSCI academic faculty at the rank of Associate Professor or below with a minimum of two years’ accumulated full-time service at CSCI and no more than ten years of experience after attainment of PhD at the time of the nomination deadline are eligible.
  • All nominees are not recipients of University Outstanding Research Award and CSCI-YRA in the last two years.

Selection Criteria

All nominees will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated track records as evident in the quality of the research and scholarship achievements, grants, prizes, significant output in international peer-reviewed literature, detailed citations (i.e. supportive quotations) and other forms of special recognition relevant to the discipline.
  • Contributions of the candidate to the field of research and/or demonstrated potential for making outstanding contributions to research in the field.

Selection Process

A Selection Panel (Panel) will be formed with members appointed by the Dean. The composition of the Panel will include senior faculty members from the College, recipients of University Outstanding Research Award, and other members of the University that the Dean considers appropriate. The Panel will review all nominations based on the submissions and the recognised achievements of the candidates. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to present their achievements to the Panel. The decision of the Panel is final.

Nomination Procedures


  • Eligible faculty members may nominate themselves for the award by submitting a completed Nomination Form to the College of Science within the nomination period. The required supporting documents should reach the College Office before the stipulated deadline.
  • Respective Heads of Departments may be invited to comment on the nominations.

Faculty Nomination

  • Heads of Departments and all faculty members of CSCI will be invited to make no more than one nomination.
  • Nominators should seek prior consent from the nominees before submitting the completed Nomination Form to the College of Science within the nomination period.
  • The College Office will invite nominees to submit the required supporting documents before the stipulated deadline.

Submission of Documents

Submissions should consist of a summary description (maximum 5 pages) of the work of the researcher describing the research undertaken and its significance and contribution to society. Examples can be drawn from, but not limited to, academic research projects. The document should provide evidence of the quality and potential of the research, grants, and prizes obtained, representative/significant publications and other forms of special recognition relevant to the discipline. For problem-focused research work, the impact of the research outputs should be elaborated.


  1. Nominations should be sent to the College of Science (by email: csci.office@cityu.edu.hk) on or before 12 April 2024 (Friday).  All required supporting documents should reach the College Office by 26 April 2024 (Friday).
  2. Interview by Selection Panel will be conducted in May 2024.
  3. Result of the CSCI-YRA will be announced in early June 2024.
Awardee(s) of 2023-24
Prof. Chenchen MOU
Prof. Chenchen MOU
Department of Mathematics


Awardee(s) of 2022-23
Dr. Guangyu ZHU
Dr. Guangyu ZHU
Department of Chemistry


Awardee(s) of 2021-22
Dr. ZHU Zonglong
Dr. Zonglong ZHU
Department of Chemistry