CityUHK’s College of Engineering celebrates 30 years of pioneering innovation
In celebration of the University’s 30th anniversary, the College of Engineering holds a celebration dinner, with over 270 guests in attendance.

City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) is committed to promoting innovative research for the betterment of the world. In celebration of the University’s 30th anniversary, the College of Engineering held a celebration dinner on 20 November. Over 270 guests attended the event, including representatives from the HKSAR Government, and the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Members of the Legislative Council (LegCo), senior executives from various fields, distinguished alumni, donors, industry partners, members of the Departmental Advisory Committee, and a Nobel Prize winner.

Under the theme “Engineering the Future: Igniting Open Innovation”, the dinner served as an occasion to appreciate and reunite with stakeholders, rekindling existing relationships and forging new connections.

(From left) Professor Lu, Professor Sun, President Boey.

In his address, the guest of honour, Professor Sun Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the HKSAR Government, expressed his joy at the reunion with familiar faces. He recalled his long association with the College since 2000, noting its significant growth and impact on engineering and technology. He extended his heartfelt congratulations for the College’s role in advancing knowledge and innovation, benefiting society, and supporting Hong Kong’s development as an international innovation and technology hub.

In his speech, Professor Freddy Boey, President of CityUHK, highlighted that the College has not only achieved its own success but also significantly impacted others by contributing to their success. He commended the College of Engineering’s contribution to the creation of new colleges and institutes, including the CityUHK Academy of Innovation, the Institute of Digital Medicine, and the Hong Kong Institute of AI for Science. These initiatives are designed to foster entrepreneurship, improve medical efficiency through technology, and advance artificial intelligence as a scientific field.

The gala dinner is filled with laughter and a vibrant atmosphere.
Dr Chai shares his personal anecdotes about his educational journey at CityUHK and his long-term dedication to fostering innovation in Hong Kong.

Professor Lu Jian, Dean of the College of Engineering, highlighted the College’s demonstration of excellence in securing research grants, receiving numerous accolades, and being published in top-tier journals. Looking ahead, the College aims to enhance interdisciplinary research, strengthen partnerships with leading global companies and renowned universities through the Global Engineering Leadership Programme, and attract top talent from around the world.

He also shared some of the recent achievements of the College of Engineering, including having the most scholars listed as Highly Cited Researchers 2024 by Clarivate, with a total of 17 scholars out of the 31 CityUHK scholars. The College of Engineering was also ranked first in the “World’s Top 2% Most-Cited Scientists”, with 113 scholars listed.

Dr Sunny Chai, Distinguished Alumni and the Chairman of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, emphasised in his speech that innovation and technology are key drivers of Hong Kong’s economic growth. He highlighted the significant government investment in R&D over the past decade and shared personal anecdotes about his educational journey at CityUHK and his long-term dedication to fostering innovation in Hong Kong.

Ir Dr Hon Lo Wai-kwok, Member of the LegCo (Engineering), has had a close relationship with the College of Engineering for over 40 years, dating back to its days as City Polytechnic. He was appointed as a member of the City Polytechnic Council in 1990 and continued to serve for eight years after its retitling to City University of Hong Kong.

To celebrate, he performed a saxophone piece associated with a 1982 TV drama and quoted, “Young folks today, old guys tomorrow.” He concluded by underscoring that as time goes on, our commitment remains unchanged; we all strive to engineer a better Hong Kong and a better world.

Dr Hon Lo
Ir Dr Hon Lo performs a saxophone piece at the gala dinner.

The gala dinner concluded with a creative magic show filled with laughter and a lively atmosphere.

CityUHK representatives attending the dinner included Professor Michael Yang, Senior Vice-President (Innovation and Enterprise); Professor Li Wen Jung, Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy); Professor Chan Chi-hou, Vice-President (Community Engagement); Professor Anderson Shum, Vice-President (Research); Professor Kalok Chan, Dean of the College of Business; Professor Wang Jianping, Dean of the College of Computing; Professor Alfred Ho, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences; Professor Wang Xin, Dean of the College of Science; Professor Espen Aarseth, Dean of the School of Creative Media; and Professor Kenneth Leung, Dean of the School of Energy and Environment.

(From left) Ms Mandy Li, Managing Director and Chief Credit Officer of Shanghai Innovation Bank; Ms Alice Chow, Senior Vice President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers; Dr Alex Chan, Senior Vice President of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering; Dr Kim Mak, Chairman of ATAL Engineering Group; Professor Paul Lam, President of Hong Kong Metropolitan University; Dr Chai; Mr Raymond Poon, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department; Ir Dr Hon Lo; Professor Lu; Professor Sun; President Boey; Ms Cheng Wu, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Dr Ming Ge, Commissioner for Industry (I&T); Professor Yang; Dr Raymond Leung, Chairman & CEO of Altai Technologies Limited; Ms Lily Chow, Executive Director of Chevalier Group; Mr Joseph Law, Managing Director of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited; Professor Steve Chuang, Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries; Professor Cliff Sun, Chairman of Kinox Enterprises Ltd.

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