
GRF / ECS Award (2024-25)

General Research Fund (GRF) (2024-25)

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Architecture and Civil Engineering(home: School of Energy and Environment) Professor Alvin Chi Keung LAI An investigation of the use of antimicrobial blue light for the effective surface disinfection of multidrug-resistant organisms in a hospital environment
Architecture and Civil Engineering Professor Mei-yung LEUNG Improving Quality of Life of Older People in the Community through an Age-friendly Facilities Management (Urban Park) Model
Professor Qiusheng LI Projection of design wind speeds in the southeastern coastal regions of China under climate change using a physics-driven tropical cyclone model
Professor Kim Meow LIEW Investigation of Fire Performance of Recycled Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Alkali-Activated Cement Composites
Professor Jeff Jianfeng WANG Development of an X-ray microtomography method for full-field discrete particle tracking in sand specimens
Professor Yu WANG Physics-informed and Interpretable Machine Learning of Reclamation-induced Consolidation of Soil using Sparse Site Investigation and Field Monitoring Data
Biomedical Engineering Professor Chia-Hung CHEN Uncovering rare inherent resistant single cells through an automatic microfluidic cell shower device to investigate intratumor heterogeneity
Professor Pakpong CHIRARATTANANON Hopping Aerial Robots: Reaching New Heights across Size Scales through Thrust- based and Parallel Elastic Actuation
Professor Gang FENG Fixed-time cooperative control of multi-agent systems under denial-of-service attacks and its application
Professor Raymond Hiu-wai LAM Label-free and high-throughput flow cytometry for single-cell surface protein biosensing using multi-stage constriction microchannels
Professor Lu LIU Distributed Event-Triggered Cooperative Control of Nonlinear Multiple Dynamic Systems and Its Applications
Professor Peng SHI Single-cell Encoded Photoporation for High-throughput Combinatorial siRNA Screening
Professor Chung TIN Investigation of neuromodulation effect of cerebellum-targeted low intensity transcranial pulsed ultrasound stimulation
Professor Dongan WANG Characterization and mechanism study of an articular cartilage repair material for space medicine: influence by microgravity and cosmic radiation
Professor Chenjie XU Porous metallic microneedle array-based test trip for gingival crevicular fluid collection and analysis
Electrical Engineering Professor Guanrong CHEN Synchronization, control and robustness of higher-order complex networks
Professor Jie CHEN Frequency-Domain Analysis and Synthesis of Gradient-Based Distributed Optimization Algorithms: A Robust Control Approach
Professor Kwok Wa LEUNG Investigation of MIMO Patch Antenna Arrays with Decoupled Array Elements and Preserved Broadside Radiation Patterns
Professor Ehsan NEKOUEI Privacy-aware Design of Distributed Networked Control Systems: A Directed Information Approach
Professor Edwin Yue Bun PUN An electro-optical optical frequency divider based on thin film lithium niobate
Professor Yanni SUN Advancing Plasmid Characterization in Metagenomic Data: Plasmid Protein Annotation and Host Range Identification
Professor Din Ping TSAI High-Q plasmonic metasurfaces with angular stability empowered by a flat band
Professor Chi Kong Michael TSE Complex Behavior and Instability Mechanisms of Grid-Forming and Grid- Following Converter Systems
Professor Cheng WANG Scalable and efficient nonlinear photonic circuits with segmentally tuned thin-film PPLN waveguides
Professor Xianghao YU Networked Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Communications, Sensing, and Learning in 6G Wireless Systems
Materials Science and Engineering(home: Chemistry) Professor Vincent Chi Chiu KO Enhancing Luminescent Transition Metal Complexes: Utilizing Novel, Strong π-Accepting Ligands for Improved Stability and Excited-State Properties
Professor Kenneth Kam Wing LO Development of Stimuli-responsive Chemiluminescent Transition Metal Complexes as Activatable Theranostic Agents for Cancer Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy
Professor Hua ZHANG Synthesis of metal alloy nanomaterials with unconventional crystal phases for fuel cell electrocatalysis
Professor Zonglong ZHU Refining Perovskite Heterojunctions and Investigating Their Enhanced Aromatic Conjugation for High-Performance Photovoltaic Devices
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Fu Rong CHEN Design/manufacture of a compact pulsed hollow cone aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscope system
Professor Yun CHI Transition-Metal Carbene Complexes with Blue Phosphorescence and Metal Assisted Delayed Fluorescence
Professor Alex Kwan Yue JEN Development of Multifunctional Redox Mediators to Mitigate Halide Segregation in Wide-Bandgap Perovskites for Perovskite Based Tandem Solar Cells
Professor Zhaoxuan WU Modelling and Simulation of Dislocation and Crack Behavior in FCC Iridium and Rhodium
Professor Hin-Lap Angus YIP Enhancing Perovskite LEDs for Visible Light Communication through Molecular Interface Engineering
Professor Zhiyuan ZENG Revealing the Li Nucleation and Growth Mechanism by In-situ and Operando Multimodal Characterizations
Professor Chunyi ZHI Electrolyte and Interfacial Strategies for Enhanced Kinetic Performance in Zinc Metal Batteries by Deep Eutectic Effects
Mechanical Engineering Professor Takashi HIBIKI Development of two-group drift-flux and interfacial area models for two-phase flows in tight-lattice fuel bundle of advancedbnuclear reactors
Professor Xingjian JING Bio-inspired Nonlinear Inertia Systems for Passive Vibration Isolation: Modelling, Analysis, Design, and Realization
Professor Duu-Jong LEE Establishment of thermodynamic properties datasets of binary molten chloride salts for concentrating solar power applications: Using machine learning strategies
Professor Yong YANG Design of strong-yet-plastic distorted high entropy intermetallic alloys with superior high temperature performance
Professor Shijun ZHAO Designing irradiation-resistant concentrated solid solution alloys by tunning lattice distortion
Systems Engineering Professor Ho Fai Andy CHOW Dynamic strategies for robust rail transit operations against disruptions by malicious attacks
Professor Yingxia LIU Investigation of surface oxidation resistance for high entropy solder particles
Professor Min XIE Towards Intelligent Operations and Maintenance: A Novel Failure Knowledge Graph Learning Framework

Early Career Scheme (ECS) (2024-25)

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Architecture and Civil Engineering Professor Dengwu JIAO Active Control of Steel Fiber Orientation in Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing
Professor Guoyang LU Cross-scale Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) Investigation of Interactive Behavior Between Warm-mix Polyurethane-modified Asphalt and Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) towards a Durable and Low-carbon Paving Material 
Professor Ping LU Incorporating eyewall replacement in the physics-based tropical cyclone rainfall risk assessment under a changing climate
Professor Xing ZHENG Understanding the influence of façade rough elements on ventilation and heat removal in urban canyons
Biomedical Engineering Professor Bing FU Interplay between Microbial Metal Regulation and Chemotaxis at the Host- Pathogen Interface Studied by Single- molecule Super-resolution Fluorescence Microscopy 
Electrical Engineering Professor Lip Ket CHIN Nanophotonic metasurface biosensing chip for fluorescence imaging
Professor Gengbo WU Advanced and Green Beamforming Metasurface Antennas for 6G
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Jing LI Heterostructured surface strategy for high-flux liquid cooling at extreme conditions
Mechanical Engineering Professor Peng YIN Adaptive and Spatial Aware Embodied Navigation System for Cloud-based Robotics
Systems Engineering Professor Yinghao CHU Generalizing Intra-Hour Power Forecasting for Distributed Solar Generations: An Explainable Generative Approach with Self-Attention and Spatial Embedding
Professor Jing-Kai HUANG Comprehensive Exploration and Application of Bismuth Silicate as an Advanced vdW Dielectric

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is now under the newly-established College of Biomedicine.

Other UGC / RGC Grants

Areas of Excellence Scheme (AoE) (2023-24)

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Electrical Engineering Professor Kwai Man LUK Advanced Antenna Technology for a Smart World

Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) (2024-25)

Project Grant

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Architecture and Civil Engineering Professor Xiaowei LUO Advancing Shared Autonomy: Innovating Collaborative and Sensory Interfaces for Future Teleoperation Systems
Mechanical Engineering Professor Xingjian JING Versatile omnidirectional mobile robots with diverse bioinspired motion modes: from theory to harsh water applications

NSFC/RGC Collaborative Research Scheme (2023-24)

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Alex JEN

Integrated Material Design and Device Engineering to Overcome the Limits of Non-radiativeLosses and Stability in Next-generation Organic Photovoltaics

NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme (2023-24)

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Architecture and Civil Engineering Professor Gongsheng HUANG Study on Thermal Environment Mechanism and Energy Characteristics of High Performance Decoupled Radiant Cooling System Using Low Temperature Source
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Zonglong ZHU Efficient and Stable Self-assembled Monolayer Hole Transporting Materials for Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells
Mechanical Engineering Professor Xingjian JING Bio-inspired Anti-impact Compliant Capture and Attitude Takeover Control of Non-cooperative Spacecraft
Professor Jian LU Bulk Complex Concentrated Alloys Based on Grain Boundary Complexion Engineering and Study of Their Toughening Mechanisms
Systems Engineering Professor Yingxia LIU Multi-scale Inverse Design and Experimental Verification of High-entropy Solder

Research Impact Fund (RIF) (2024-25)

Department Project Coordinator Project Title
Biomedical Engineering Professor Chia-Hung CHEN Uncovering Dynamically Functional Cells Using a Time-Resolved Intelligent Cell Sorter (TRIC) for Cancer Treatments
Professor Xinge YU Thin, soft, wireless, air and sweat permeable electronics for long term ECG monitoring
Chemistry & Materials Science and Engineering Professor Zonglong ZHU Advancing Sustainable and Closed-loop Eco-friendly Emerging Perovskite Photovoltaic Technologies
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Chunyi ZHI Aqueous flow batteries for peak shaving energy storage

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is now under the newly-established College of Biomedicine.

ITC Grants

Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) Grants

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Biomedical Engineering Professor Chia-Hung CHEN Intelligent Microfluidic Screen System to Fabricate Artificial Pancreas for Diabetes Treatments
Electrical Engineering Professor Arindam BASU Reconfigurable Nonlinear In-memory Computations: A Pathway to Low-power, Recurrent Neural Networks
Professor Hau Ping Andy CHAN Research on Key Technologies and Application of Lung Navigation
Professor L H Leanne CHAN A Mixed Reality Assisted Preoperative Neurosurgical Planning
Professor Chak Chung Ray CHEUNG Post-Quantum Resistant RISC-V Computing Platform
Professor Man Hon Alex WONG Research and Commercialization of a High-Performance, Low-Cost Dual Band mm-Wave Antenna System
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Jun FAN Development of High-Temperature Stable Electrolytes in Silicon-Based Batteries through Computational-assisted Design
Professor Feng WANG Development of Zero-Dimensional Metal Halide Scintillators and Their Integration into Pixelated Flexible X-Ray Detectors
Professor Chunyi ZHI Highly Safe Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries based on Pre-intercalated Cathode and Stablized Anode for Large Scale Energy Storage
Mechanical Engineering Prof Weihong LI Development of Thermoresponsive Desiccant-Coated Biomimetic Heat Exchangers for Adsorption-Based Dehumidification
Professor Jun LIU Automated Construction Robot for Gypsum Block Wall Laying
Professor Jian LU Research On Materials and Reliability of High-Safety Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries
Professor Chin PAN Research on Key Technology of Manufacturing and Application of High Performance Ultrathin Flexible Polymer Vapor Chamber
Professor Steven WANG Preparation of High Performance Environmental Barrier Coatings (EBCs) on Femtosecond Laser Textured-Matrix and their Multi-Scale Mechanical Characterization
Professor Steven WANG Development of an Aero E-Bike Integrated with A High-Performance, Highly-Stable and Long-Life Battery Pack
Systems Engineering Professor Shien Ping FENG Development of Thermally Instable Nanograined Cu and Thermally Stable Composite Cu for 3DIC Stacking and Advanced Electronic Packaging Applications

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is now under the newly-established College of Biomedicine.

Other Government Grants

Environmental and Conservation Fund (ECF)

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Architecture and Civil Engineering Professor Denvid LAU Recycling Wasted Printed Circle Board as Fillers for Manufacturing Sustainable Wall Partition Bricks
Professor Qiusheng LI Modelling the Effects of Noise Barriers and Moving Vehicles on Traffic-induced Air Pollution Dispersion in Urban Areas of Hong Kong
Mechanical Engineering Professor Weihong LI Combating Hong Kong Urban Heat Island via a Biocompatible Self-Adaptive Radiative Cooling Paint

Green Tech Fund (GTF) (2023-24)

Department Project Coordinator Project Title
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Guo HONG Self-healing Aqueous Batteries for Safe and Durable Green Transport
Mechanical Engineering Professor Weihong LI Developing Low-cost PEM Electrolysis at Scale by Optimizing Transport Components and Electrode Interfaces

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is now under the newly-established College of Biomedicine.

Mainland Grants

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Schemes 2024

National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Biomedical Engineering Professor Chenjie XU 新型微針診療器件的設計和醫學應用
Young Scientists Fund
Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Architectural and Civil Engineering Professor Dengwu JIAO 基於磁流變響應的鋼纖維砂漿界面過渡區微結構調控機理研究
Professor Xianfei YIN 數據驅動的城市地下排水管網病害智能診斷與時空級聯機理研究
Biomedical Engineering Professor Bing FU 活細菌單分子成像與追踪揭示CpxA/CpxR信號傳導中的動態互作機制及與耐藥性的聯繫
Electrical Engineering Professor Gengbo WU 基於時空調製超表面天綫的多諧波實時成像技術研究
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Nan LI 用於鈣鈦礦應變調控的聚合物界面材料及其光伏性能研究
Systems Engineering Professor Cheng LIU 航空複合材料疲勞裂紋損傷診斷研究:一種融合物理機理的數據驅動方法
Young Scientist Fund (via Shenzhen Research Institute (SRI))
Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Biomedical Engineering Dr Chaojian HOU 面向靶向氫氣治療的磁控微機器人集成系統電解供氫機制研究
Materials Science and Engineering Dr Feng ZHU 電極/固態電解質界面空間電荷層動力學的高時空分辨研究
Mechanical Engineering Professor Penghao DUAN 基於多尺度算法的跨音速高壓渦輪葉片氣膜冷卻流動傳熱機理研究
General Program (via Shenzhen Research Institute (SRI))
Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Sai Wing TSANG 電吸收光譜法探究Y系列非富勒烯受體中分子結構與電荷轉移特性的關係
Professor Qichun ZHANG 醚鏈和全氟烷基鏈兩親性材料在保護鋰負極方面的應用研究

Other Mainland Grants

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Biomedical Engineering Professor Pakpong CHIRARATTANANON 仿翼果長航時微型無人機研究
Professor Jinlian HU 兒童燒傷創面抗菌促修復納米纖維智能敷料的研究與應用
Professor Xinge YU 面向元宇宙觸覺反饋電子皮膚的研究
Professor Jiachen ZHANG Development And Application of An Untethered Miniature Robot That Moves Within Solid-Liquid Mixture Medium
Electrical Engineering Professor Hang WONG 5G智能終端Sub-6GHz及毫米波天線關鍵技術研究
Professor Xianghao Alex YU Communication Theory and Key Techniques for Near-Field Terahertz Ultra-Massive MIMO
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Xiaolong MA Accurate Measurement and Quantitative Analysis of Geometrically Necessary Dislocations in Heterostructured Materials
Mechanical Engineering Professor Xingjian JING 新型仿生水下機器人智慧行為的分析、設計、實現與野外測試
Professor Yuxiang SUN 面向自動駕駛的端到端局部語意柵格地圖建構關鍵技術研究
Professor Pingan ZHU Precise Construction of Core-Shell Microfiber-Based Soft Actuators by Microfluidics-Enabled Soft Manufacture
Systems Engineering Professor Yingxia LIU 三維封裝高產能銅銅直接鍵合工藝研究

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is now under the newly-established College of Biomedicine.

Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) Grants

Contract Research

Department Principal Investigator Project Title
Architecture and Civil Engineering Professor Gongsheng HUANG 基於雙源互補和多目標動態優化的數據中心節能關鍵技術研究
Professor Giin Yu Amy TAN Machine Learning and Ontology Model for Anaerobic Digestion Process
Professor Giin Yu Amy TAN Generative AI-powered Knowledge Management
Professor Yu WANG Provision of Services for Smart Ground Investigation for Reclamation Works
Electrical Engineering Professor Kwok Wa LEUNG 融合5G的多頻多制式數字射頻拉遠系統研發
Materials Science and Engineering Professor Chin Yiu CHAN HyperfluorescenceTM Technology Innovation Project 2023
Professor Johnny Chung Yin HO Theoretical Study of Exploring High-entropy Alloy Nanostructures for High-performance Electrochemical Water Splitting
Systems Engineering Professor Shien Ping FENG Provision of Two Steps Electroplating

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is now under the newly-established College of Biomedicine.

