The College is keen to reach out to young students, parents, the public and all. Visit the following sites to find out more about our programmes, interesting research and activities.

College of Engineering

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE)

Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME)

Department of Electrical Engineering (EE)

Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)

Department of Mechanical Engineering (MNE)

Department of Systems Engineering (SYE)

EWB GCP Malaysia Trip 2024

CityU X Sino GCSP Interview with Graduate 2023

EWB GCP Malaysia Trip 2023

Global Grand Challenges Summit 2019

EWB GCP Myanmar Trip 2019

Grand Challenges Scholars Program Interview with Graduates

EWB GCP Myanmar Trip 2018

Biomedical Engineering Student (CityU Tiger Student)

Future Biomedical Engineering Entrepreneur

Breakthrough technology promises earlier detection for Alzheimer’s disease

Inspiring talk by alumnus Mr Eric Chen



一張輪椅 一份堅持

全港大專生機器人大賽2017 - 城大夢工房




A smart real-time battery state and health diagnostics system


Demonstration of A.I. Techniques for Drones

Future Professional Works for Graduates from the Construction Engineering and Management programme

Gait-based Authentication System on Smartphone

How to Prepare for Computer Science Admission Interviews

Microrobots in the Body

Tiny, soft robot with multi-legs paves the way for drug delivery in the human body

Who “Touched" the Sound you Heard?

【工學院】旗艦課程培育環球工程人才 造就未來領袖

【工學院】 新旗艦課程 孕育頂尖環球工程專才

【工學院】 工程畢業生出路廣 機遇處處

【工學院】 發揮創意 實現創業夢

【建築學及土木工程學系】與時並進 應對土地發展新挑戰


【生物醫學工程學系】研發無線電子皮膚 帶來更佳虛擬觸感體驗

【生物醫學工程學系】結合工程學與生物醫學 跨領域專才出路多元

【材料科學與工程學系】從基礎創新培育專才 着重實戰應用



【機械工程學系】香港製造衛星 吸納本地航天人才

【機械工程學系】跨領域專才 實現航空航天夢

【工學院】 讀工程 好前程














【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.1】AREIX Analytics Limited

【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.2】Air Button Technology Limited

【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.3】Albacastor Robotics Limited

【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.4】Portalyze Point of Care Limited

【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.5】Laso Technology Limited

