STEAM Challenges Banner


The CityUHK STEAM Challenges is a set of written assessments based on HKDSE curricula designed for Form 6 students

Date and Time:

  4 January 2025 (Saturday) 11 January 2025 (Saturday)
9:30am – 12:00nn Physics Compulsory Mathematics
2:00pm – 4:30pm Chemistry M1 / M2


Venue: City University of Hong Kong
Fee: HK$200 per person for each subject
Language: English


  • The area for assessment is based on the compulsory part of HKDSE curriculum for each subject.
  • Application is on a first-come, first-served basis with a quota of 800 for each timeslot.
  • For the assessment on 11 January 2025, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm, participants can only choose one subject (either M1 or M2) in the same timeslot.
  • In case of adverse weather such as typhoon signal Pre-No.8 or above or black rainstorm warning, the assessments will be postponed to 5 January 2025 (Sunday) and 12 January 2025 (Sunday), respectively.

Opportunities for Participants:

Each participant will receive a classification of achievement, namely Distinction, Merit, Satisfactory, and Participation based on the assessment result. Participants with Merit or above may be granted priority admission interview opportunities for the undergraduate programmes offered by the College of Engineering, College of Science, or School of Energy and Environment


Enquiry: 3442 6226 or 3442 4133 /

Application Deadline: 8 November 2024

Fee Information

  1. The fee is HK$200 per person for each subject.
  2. There will be no refund after payment is accepted.
  3. City University of Hong Kong reserves the right of final decision.
 Number of Subjects  Fee (HKD)
 1  subject  200
 2  subjects  400
 3  subjects  600
 4  subjects  800

Online Application

Step 1: Create a personal CityUHK STEAM Challenges account online at "Apply Now". Applicants need to register using either a Microsoft or Google email account for activation.



Step 2: Upon activation of the CityUHK STEAM Challenges account, you can login and select the subject(s) that you wish to take and make the online payment.

Step 3: After successful payment, you will receive a confirmation email.

If you encounter any problems during the application, please contact us at 3442 6226 or 3442 4133.



