Message from Honorary Advisor and Patron
“Work conscientiously, innovate constantly, exert one’s best efforts, and embrace the future. 專注工作,不斷創新,做到最好,迎接未來。”
In the 21st century, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) play an important role in the era with drastic technological advancement. We need to rethink the STEM education in Hong Kong and the potentials and impacts they can bring to the industry.
We are more than eager to incubate future elite engineers; therefore, Bright Future Engineering Talent Hub was established at City University of Hong Kong which shares my vision – to grow the impact of engineering in Hong Kong and beyond through nurturing young talents and foster new generations of engineers. With mentoring and exchange circles, the young and mature are able to interact and learn from each other. We look forward to welcoming more and more youngsters to join the family.
James Kip Finch once said that “The engineer has been, and is, a maker of history”. At Bright Future Engineering Talent Hub, we envision a society where we have more than enough support to young people who are interested in engineering, and they will be inspired and groomed. Let’s come together and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Dr Roy Chung
Founder and Chairman
Bright Future Charitable Foundation
Message from Principal
Welcome to the Bright Future Engineering Talent Hub!
What is engineering? It offers a pathway to turn your dreams into reality! It is about problem-solving and innovation! To make our lives better, engineers use science, mathematics and creativity to design and build new or improve existing systems. From the buildings we live to the smartphones we use, from solar panel green energy solutions to self-driving electric vehicles, engineering is behind it all.
With the rapidly evolving technology nowadays, companies and organizations across the world are continuously seeking engineers to drive innovation and maintain competitiveness. This translates to excellent job opportunity and bright future for engineers.
When you consider your future, I strongly encourage you to explore the world of engineering. Talk to your teachers, attend our workshops and research internship, and reach out to professionals in the field. The more you learn about engineering, the more you will see its influence to the world and its power to shape the future.
I wish you all the best in your educational journey. Keep dreaming big and never stop exploring the possibilities. The future is yours to engineer!

Professor Paul Lam
Bright Future Engineering Talent Hub