1. Core Courses (60 credit units) |
Select ONE from the following: |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
MNE4068 | Project (Individual) | 9 | A course to fulfil the internship/ consultancy project/research project requirement | MNE4119 | Project (Group) | 9 | A course to fulfil the internship/ consultancy project/research project requirement |
2. Electives (15 credit units)
Students are required to complete at least 15 credit units of electives, in addition to credit units required to make up for exempted core courses.
All students are required to enroll in one of the following streams. To fulfill the elective requirement, students can take:• all 15 credit units from their chosen stream; OR• a minimum of 12 credit units (2 “core” courses and 2 electives) from their chosen stream, and the remaining credit units from the common elective pool. There is no GPA requirement for enrolling in a stream. |
Robotics and Mechatronics Stream Requirements |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
MNE3046 | Automation Technology | 3 | MNE4032 | Robotics and Machine Vision | 3 |
Choose at least two of the following courses: |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CS2311 | Computer Programming | 3 | MNE2204 | Aircraft System Design | 3 | MNE3123 | Internship in Engineering | 3 | MNE4121 | Machine Learning and Quantum Computation | 3 |
Materials and Mechanics Stream Requirements |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
MNE3063 | Material Analysis for Product Quality | 3 | MNE3127 | Electron Microscopy | 3 |
Choose at least two of the following courses: |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CS2311 | Computer Programming | 3 | MNE3123 | Internship in Engineering | 3 | MNE4005 | Finite Element Analysis | 3 | MNE4121 | Machine Learning and Quantum Computation | 3 |
Thermofluid and Energy Stream Requirements |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
MNE2114 | Experimental Sustainable Engineering Techniques | 3 | MNE3104 | Sustainable and Renewable Energy | 3 |
Choose at least two of the following courses: |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CS2311 | Computer Programming | 3 | MNE3123 | Internship in Engineering | 3 | MNE3125 | Fluid Mechanics for Energy-Related Applications | 3 | MNE4130 | Introduction to Multiphase Flow Science | 3 |
Common Electives |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
CS2311 | Computer Programming | 3 | | FS2001 | Workshop-based Study in Science and Engineering | 3 | | MA2001 | Multi-variable Calculus and Linear Algebra | 3 | | MNE2114 | Experimental Sustainable Engineering Techniques | 3 | | MNE2204 | Aircraft System Design | 3 | | MNE3046 | Automation Technology | 3 | | MNE3063 | Material Analysis for Product Quality | 3 | | MNE3104 | Sustainable and Renewable Energy | 3 | | MNE3123 | Internship in Engineering | 3 | | MNE3125 | Fluid Mechanics for Energy-Related Applications | 3 | | MNE3126 | Methodologies for Solving Complex Engineering Problems | 3 | | MNE3127 | Electron Microscopy | 3 | | MNE3128 | Radiological Analysis | 3 | | MNE4005 | Finite Element Analysis | 3 | | MNE4032 | Robotics and Machine Vision | 3 | | MNE4046 | | | | MNE4047 | Directed Studies | 3 | | MNE4109 | Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis | 3 | | MNE4120 | Bioinspired Composites: Design, Mechanics and Manufacturing | 3 | | MNE4121 | Machine Learning and Quantum Computation | 3 | | MNE4125 | Principles and Transport Process Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing | 3 | | MNE4130 | Introduction to Multiphase Flow Science | 3 | | MNE5112 | Mechanical Design with Advanced Material & Additive Manufacturing | 3 | Only for final year undergraduate students (with quota restrictions) | SYE3102 | Quality Engineering | 3 | | SYE4024 | Project Management | 3 | |
3. Optional Courses |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units | Remarks |
FS2002 | Industrial Attachment Scheme | 3 | Internship (minimum 6 weeks) | FS3002 | Industrial Attachment Scheme | 3 | Internship (minimum 6 weeks) | FS4001 | Co-operative Education Scheme (CES) | 8 | Internship (8 - 12 months) | FS4002 | Industrial Attachment Scheme | 3 | Internship (minimum 6 weeks) | FS4005 | Overseas Internship Scheme | 3 | Internship (9 - 13 weeks) |