MNE4119 - Project (Group)

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Credit Units
Course Duration
Two Semesters
Completion of at least 45 CUs (36 CUs for Advanced Standing II students) of the Major Requirement (excluding College Requirement)
Equivalent Course(s)
Exclusive Courses:
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2023/24, Semester B 2023/24, Summer 2024

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course facilitates of 3 to 5 students to work together in a specific project under the supervision of an academic staff. The course aims to strengthen the student's analytical, application and integration skills as well as the ability to work in a team context through the specification, planning and execution of a project related to the theme of the student's major. The Project involves substantial investigative or developmental work requiring the application of knowledge related to the main subject areas of the student's major. The project team will work under the supervision of a faculty staff towards the achievement of the project aim/objectives. The course requires the project team to:

  • define the nature, aim, scope and importance of a selected project in a specific subject area
  • search the background information and make literature enquiry relevant to the project
  • develop appropriate methodology to achieve the defined project aim/objectives
  • implement the methodology logically and purposefully
  • document the project process, experience and results in a final year project report
  • make oral presentation and defend the project outcome

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%
Detailed Course Information
