Master of Arts in Creative Media
Master of Arts in Creative Media
Award Title
Master of Arts in Creative Media
Offering Academic Unit
School of Creative Media
Mode of Study
Combined mode

Normal Period of Study

- 1 year (full-time)
- 2 years (part-time/combined mode)

Maximum Period of Study

- 2.5 years (full-time)
- 5 years (part-time/combined mode)

Credit Units Required for Graduation


Programme Aims

This programme aims to nourish a critical and up-to-date understanding of cultural, social, and aesthetic issues in the media industry and a capacity to view developments in the media industry within a broader critical, historical, social, political and economic perspective, so that students will be capable of taking on significant responsibilities and leadership roles in the industry or pursue further study in MPhil and/or PhD programmes related to creative media studies.

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Upon successful completion of this Programme, students should be able to:

  1. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate the different cultural and aesthetic forms of creative media and their roles in historical and contemporary societies.
  2. Describe the tools, the production process, and the business models of media industries.
  3. Differentiate among local, regional, and global media contexts, and synthesize critical analyses of the dynamic relationships among these contexts.
  4. Apply digital media to game design, curating, and other creative industries.
  5. Apply the analytic and research skills acquired in the programme to the theory and practice of new media forms, practices, and contents.
  6. Reflect on and theorize the historical trajectory and future possibilities of media technologies.

Stream-specific Aims and Outcomes

A. Media Cultures (MC) Stream

Stream Aims

This stream aims to equip students with the skills in critical inquiry and analysis required of future leaders of the media industry, as well as related professions in which knowledge of media history and methodologies for analyzing media texts and institutions are increasingly beneficial.

MC Stream Intended Learning Outcomes (SILOs)

Upon successful completion of this Stream, students should be able to:

  1. Recognize, describe, and analyze key methodological concepts from the fields of media and cultural studies.
  2. Apply historical information and critical concepts from media and cultural studies to the analysis of contemporary media texts and institutions.
  3. Describe the cultural aspects of the media industries in local, regional, and international contexts.
  4. Describe and assess the aesthetic and technological relationship between traditional media forms and new media, recognizing new challenges and formulating strategies to address them.
  5. Communicate relevant ideas concerning both contemporary and historical media environments to a wide range of audiences, including industry, scholars, and the general public.
  6. Recognize the parameters of substantial media studies research, and imagine and formulate original research in both industrial and academic settings.

B. Playable Media and Game Studies (PMGS) Stream*

     (* Deferment of introducing the PMGS Stream in 2017/18 and 2018/19)

Stream Aims

This stream aims to provide the graduates with the theoretical, conceptual, and creative foundations that are necessary for careers in industries related to computer games and playable media, and for further studies in the fields of computer games and new media in general. The stream aims to instill in its graduates the curiosity to discover new opportunities for creative, artistic, cultural and critical expression and intervention using playable media, and to equip its graduates with the knowledge needed to innovate new forms of computer games and playable media.

PMGS Stream Intended Learning Outcomes (SILOs)

Upon successful completion of this Stream, students should be able to:

  1. Recognize, describe, and analyze the cultural forms of games and play and their roles in both historical and contemporary societies.
  2. Apply the practical skills acquired in the programme to create drafts, designs, and prototypes of computer games and/or artworks and applications using playable media that innovate beyond the existing genres and canons, and/or engage in social critique and/or intervention.
  3. Describe and evaluate the tools, the production process, and the business models of playable media industry in different local, regional, and international contexts.
  4. Describe and evaluate the aesthetics, the canon, and the conventional genres of computer games and playable media.
  5. Describe the potential of computer games and playable media for artistic expression, social critique and intervention independently, and in relation to other forms of new media.
  6. Analyze and evaluate computer games and artworks of playable and interactive media in relation to aesthetical, cultural, and commercial aspects using the vocabulary of computer game studies, and formulate substantial research projects.

C. Curating Art and Media (CAM) Stream

Stream Aims

This stream aims to develop the creative, intellectual, and technological competence required of future leaders in art and media curating sector, with an emphasis on the impact of digital media on all aspects of art, with a focus on developing capabilities in using new technologies in curating, exhibiting, and communicating art. Graduates will gain a critical understanding of key issues in contemporary practice of art and media, as well as solid skills in research, curating, collection, and exhibition to become successful in their careers or further studies in MPhil and/or PhD programmes.

CAM Stream Intended Learning Outcomes (SILOs)

Upon successful completion of this Stream, students should be able to:

  1. Recognize, describe, and analyse the various aspects of the professional process of curating art and media.
  2. Apply the research, analytic and creative skills acquired in the programme to fulfil curating responsibilities.
  3. Recognize and communicate the challenges faced by art institutions in the digital media age and articulate possible strategies to address them.
  4. Design, Plan and execute innovative curatorial projects to communicate effectively via digital media.
  5. Describe, analyse, and evaluate media art exhibition projects.
  6. Devise and execute substantial research projects in the field of media arts administration.

Programme Requirements

1. Core Courses: (3 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM5325Introduction to Critical Media Studies3

2.   Stream Core Courses (12 credit units)

Media Cultures (MC)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM5303Introduction to New Media Arts – Theories, Technologies, Aesthetics3
SM6325Philosophy of Technology and New Media3

Choose two from the following:
{Note: For MC Stream students who take more than two of the following, the extra course(s) will be considered as MC Stream Elective(s).}
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM5329Arts Management and Curatorship3
SM5337Critical Theory for Contemporary Curators3
SM6323Critical Ludology: Games, Playability and New Media Art3
SM6328Analysis and Criticism of Computer Games3
SM6329History and Making of Exhibitions3

Playable Media and Game Studies (PMGS)

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
SM5338The Canon of Computer Games3
SM6323Critical Ludology: Games, Playability and New Media Art3Designated Stream Core option for MC students.
SM6328Analysis and Criticism of Computer Games3Designated Stream Core option for MC students.
SM6330The Art and Design of Computer Games3

Curating Art and Media (CAM)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
SM5329Arts Management and Curatorship3Designated Stream Core option for MC students.
SM5337Critical Theory for Contemporary Curators3Designated Stream Core option for MC students.
SM6329History and Making of Exhibitions3Designated Stream Core option for MC students.
SM6331Digital Media for Curating3

3. Electives: (15 credit units)

Students to take at least 6 credits from electives belonging to their chosen stream, and the remaining 9 credits can be selected from any stream core or stream elective courses.

Media Cultures (MC) Electives

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
COM5102 Global Media in the Digital Era3Equivalent course: EN5602 Global Communication
SM5315Independent Study I3
SM5316Topics in Media Art I3
SM5318 Topics in Media History and Theory I3Enrolment for SM5318 depends on School’s permission, which will only be granted if the topic is essentially different from that covered in SM5323.
SM5323 Topics in Media History and Theory II3Enrolment for SM5323 depends on School’s permission, which will only be granted if the topic is essentially different from that covered in SM5318.
SM5326Gender in Popular Media3
SM5327Independent Chinese Cinema3
SM5330The Cultures of Disney3
SM5334Social Media and Digital Humans3
SM5335Contemporary & New Media: An Archaeological Study3
SM5336Art in the Information Age: Creative Act, Art Object, Aesthetic Perception3
SM6305Media Art: Theory and Practice I3
SM6310Independent Study II3
SM6316Media Art: Theory and Practice II3
SM6317 Research Project in Media Studies6For Enrolment of MC Stream Students Only

Semester B + Summer Term / Summer Term + Semester A / Semester A + Semester B

To be taken after a minimum of 12 credit units are earned.

SM6319Privacy and Surveillance in Art and Culture3
SM6324Visual Ethnography: Critical and Creative Practices3
SM6343Topics in Media Art IV3

Playable Media and Game Studies (PMGS) Electives

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS5367Computer Games Design3Enrolment for this course depends on CS Department’s permission, which will only be granted if the student can demonstrate adequate proficiency in computer programming.
SM5304Animation: Principles and Practice3
SM5317Digital Sound and Computer Music3
SM5339Art and Activist Games Workshop3
SM5340Playable Mobile Media3
SM6314Computer Animation for Interactive Content3Enrolment in this course is subject to approval by the course leader.
SM6332Computer Games and Society3
SM6333World-Building in Digital Narrative Media3
SM6334Special Topics in Game Cultures3Enrolment for this course depends on School’s permission, which will only be granted if the topic is essentially different from that covered in (other topics courses).
SM6335Special Topics in Computer Game Studies3Enrolment for this course depends on School’s permission, which will only be granted if the topic is essentially different from that covered in (other topics courses).
SM6336Special Topics in Computer Game Art3Enrolment for this course depends on School’s permission, which will only be granted if the topic is essentially different from that covered in (other topics courses).
SM6337Advanced Topics in Computer Games and Playable Media3Enrolment for this course depends on School’s permission, which will only be granted if the topic is essentially different from that covered in (other topics courses).
SM6338Thesis Seminar in Playable Media6For Enrolment of PMGS Stream Students Only

Semester B + Summer Term/ Summer Term + Semester A/ Semester A + Semester B

To be taken after a minimum of 12 credit units are earned.

Enrollment in this course is subject to approval by the course leader and/or project advisor.

Curating Art and Media (CAM) Electives
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
SM5312Interactive Media I3
SM5313Interactive Media II3
SM5333Prototyping New Cinema: The Future Moving Image3
SM5341Collecting, Archiving and Digital Preservation3
SM6322The Art Market: Transaction, Activism, Analysis3
SM6325Philosophy of Technology and New Media3
SM6339Public Programming and Social Media3
SM6340Curatorial Project6For Enrolment of CAM Stream Students Only

To be taken after a minimum of 12 credit units are earned.