Page 7 - CityUpbeats Issue 27
P. 7

Miss Agnes LAI

       Agnes was an SEN student with severe hearing impairment. She needs to   受嚴重聽力障礙影響的彩文需要戴助聽器,並透過讀唇去幫助
       wear hearing aids and looks at others’ lip movements to understand what   溝通。
       they are saying.
       During her study at CityU, with the assistance of the SEN Officer from
       Counselling Service and the Career and Employability Consultant from the   彩文在學期間提高了履歷寫作的能力和面試技能的瞭解。往後,
       Career and Leadership Centre, Agnes sharpened her knowledge on resume   她屢獲推薦參加多個由香港政府、公共服務機構如香港鐵路有限
       writing and interview skills. This young lady was then recommended to   公司及其他社會企業所舉辦的暑期實習計劃,擴闊視野。
       join different summer internship programmes provided by the Hong Kong
       Government, public service companies such as Mass Transit Railway, and   透過學校和為SEN人士提供就業支援的慈善團體CareER的合作,
       other social enterprises.                             彩文於二零一九年夏天成為社會企業「RunOurCity」市場部實
       Through the collaboration between CityU and CareER, a charity specialised
       in career development for SEN students, Agnes joined a social enterprise     「彩文很謹慎,能有系統地完成所分配的任務。無論撰寫社交媒體如
       called “RunOurCity” as a marketing intern to promote events via social media     『面書』帖子或其他工作,她都能精確地一一辦妥。」經過這次實習,
       platforms in summer 2019. Her supervisor praised, “Agnes is prudent and   彩文希望於市場營銷業上繼續發展,並對社會企業深感興趣,冀能
       capable of completing all assigned tasks systematically and precisely.” After     「取之社會,用之社會」。
       having this internship experience, Agnes would like to develop her career in
       marketing, especially in social enterprises.

                          Agnes’s university                                    Upon her graduation, Agnes is working as
                                  life at CityU!                                a  Project  Officer  at  Student  Development
                                                                                Services. Her cheerfulness and confidence
                                 彩文的城大生活!                                       impress her colleagues. Apart from her
                                                                                personality, Agnes’s positive work attitude
                                                                                and graphic design skills are also very
                                                                                remarkable.  Below are some of the posters
                                                                                designed by Agnes:


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