Page 4 - CityUpbeats Issue 27
P. 4

Contributor: Ms Vivian Lau [Student Life and Resources, SDS]

       CityU students ignite their dreams

       with HSBC Scholarships

       This year, two outstanding undergraduates   the precious opportunity to study in the US,
       from CityU stood out among participants from   she looks forward to meeting people from
       other local universities to win the HSBC Overseas   diverse backgrounds, sharing their thoughts and
       Scholarship 2021/22. With only five university   views, broadening her horizons, and bringing
       students in Hong Kong received this scholarship,   her experience back to Hong Kong to serve the
       CityU students accounted for half the total   community upon graduation.
       funding of awards. Each student received
       HK$300,000 to support their studies on the   城大兩名本科生從云云候選人中脫穎而出,
       joint bachelor’s degree programmes at Columbia   勇奪2021/22年度「滙豐海外獎學金」。今年
       University, United States.           全港只有五位大學生榮獲,而城大學生所得

       One of the awardees, Mr. Harvey NG, is a   的獎學金佔計劃總額一半,每人獲發港幣
       Year 3 student majoring in Computer Science.   三十萬元以支持他們到美國哥倫比亞大學繼
       Understood that underprivileged students often   續修讀雙聯學士學位課程。
       have limited access to learning resources under a
       traditional education system, he has been inspired   現就讀電腦科學三年級的得獎學生吳銘軒,
       to improve the local education environment   明白到弱勢學生在傳統教育模式下受限於
       with innovative technology. He looks forward to   學習資源,遂希望透過智能科技改善本港
       learning the advanced technological development
       in the US and stretching his imagination to put   教育生態。他期望可到美國了解當地的科技     Harvey acquired robotics knowledge during his
       ideas into practice and contribute to society.  發展,提升自己的學科知識,以助日後把        internship at the Smart Government Innovation LAB,
                                                                                 Innovation and Technology Bureau.
       Another awardee, Miss Chloe CHOW, is a Year                               銘軒曾於創新及科技局進行實習,並在智慧政府創新
       2 student majoring in Public Policy and Politics.   另一位得獎者是來自公共政策與政治社會
       Having  benefitted from financial aid  in her   科學二年級的周雅悠。自小受惠於社會經濟       機會,與不同背景的人士交流,了解他們的
       development, she aspires to be a “policymaker”
       to support the socially deprived groups. With   援助的她立志成為一位「政策制定者」幫助社      思想和觀點,從而擴闊她的國際視野,畢業
                                            會上的弱勢群體。她期望藉著到美國進修的                  後可以運用所學,改善社會民生。

                                                                                                Chloe (front row, first from
                                                                                                the right) was also presenting
                                                                                                a practical and sustainable
                                                                                                solution for ethnic minority
                                                                                                group inequality in Hong Kong
                                                                                                with leaders from different
                                                                                                walks of the society at the Youth
                                                                                                to Sustainability Summit 2018,
                                                                                                AIESEC Hong Kong.

       Chloe (left) was an event organising committee for the Summer School of Global
       Leadership 2018, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.

         Besides, The Hongkong Bank Foundation of HSBC also offers other scholarship schemes to local university students each year. Nine CityU students were
         awarded the HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship, and ten students were awarded the HSBC Social Work Scholarship in the 2020/21 academic year, with a
         total of HK$700,000. Moreover, three CityU students won the HSBC Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong) Scholarship in 2020/21, a new initiative aims to help
         the younger generation in career preparation in the fast-growing region of GBA. In addition to the HK$80,000 Scholarship, the awardees will also gain
         invaluable access to mentorship opportunities with HSBC executives and advice from financial leaders to expand their social and professional network.
         (香港) 獎學金」項目當中,三名城大得獎學生除獲頒港幣八萬元外,亦將獲得滙豐管理層及金融界領袖的寶貴指導機會,以擴展社交和專業網絡。

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