Page 2 - CityUpbeats Issue 27
P. 2
Contributor: Mr Angus To [Physical Education, SDS]
CityU Alumna Grace LAU
Mo-sheung’s Student-Athlete’s
Life and Her Road to Success in
Tokyo Olympics 2020
Congratulations to Grace for winning the Bronze
medal in Karate (Women's Individual Kata) at
Tokyo Olympics 2020.
On 5 August 2021, CityU alumna Miss Grace 2021年8月5日,校友劉慕裳(Grace)於2020 課程。在校期間,她獲取了「胡曉明先生優秀
LAU Mo-sheung won the historical Bronze medal 東京奧運空手道女子個人形項目為香港取得 運動專才獎學金」,並率領城大女子空手道代
for Hong Kong in the Karate Women’s Kata at the 一面歷史性的銅牌,從11歲開始接觸空手道 表隊在大專空手道賽事勇奪團體金牌,更於
Tokyo Olympics 2020, with her hard work paying
off since the age of 11. To show our enthusiastic 所付出的努力和血汗喜獲回報。過百位城大 2014及2015年連續兩屆獲得「大專全年最佳
support on her journey at the Tokyo Olympics, 師生及學生運動員代表在校園內觀賞她在 女子運動員」殊榮。
about 100 CityU staff, students, and sports 東京奧運的每一場賽事直播,並一同為Grace
team members watched the live broadcast of 打氣。城大隨即為她舉辦了一場小型祝捷 Grace是城大人的典範,亦是香港人的驕傲!
the elimination round and final tournament and 會,祝賀她凱旋而歸,並表彰她的成就。 再一次恭喜她成功為港爭光!
cheered for Grace on the campus. Along with her
victory, CityU organised a celebratory gathering 然而,城大與Grace的緣分不止如此。 城大著重文修武德,在未來將會繼續支援
for her success. However, the story between CityU 2012年,Grace入選香港隊及通過城大「學生 學生運動員學業和體育雙軌發展。
and Grace is a lot more than that.
In 2012, Grace was selected for the Hong Kong
Team and admitted to the School of Creative Media
through CityU's Student-Athletes Admission
Scheme. She has received the Dr. Herman Hu
Outstanding Sports Talents Scholarship in all four
years throughout her studies at CityU. Grace led
the CityU women's karate team to clinch the
gold medal in the University Sports Federation
of Hong Kong (USFHK) competition and earned
the honour of USFHK Sportswoman for two
consecutive years in 2014 and 2015.
Grace is always the role model for CityU
community and the pride of Hong Kong! Once
again, congratulations to Grace! Miss Grace LAU, Grace’s mother, Mr. Lester HUANG, Chairman of the Council of CityU, Professor Way KUO,
President of the University, Professor Raymond CHAN, Vice-President (Student Affairs), senior management members
CityU encourages students to strive for excellence and other staff of the university attending the Celebratory Gathering at the CityU campus on 19 August 2021.
in both academics and sports, and will continue 劉慕裳、她的母親、城大校董會主席黃嘉純先生、校長郭位教授、副校長(學生事務)陳漢夫教授、一眾管理層成員
the dual development of student athletes in future. 以及其他職員一起出席校內祝捷會!
Grace (left), Professor Way KUO, President of the University Grace won the Bronze medal in Grace led the CityU women’s Karatedo team
(Middle), and alumna WU Lok Man (right) at the Sports Karate Women’s Kata in the 2018 to clinch outstanding results in the University
Teams Annual Team Gathering cum Sports Alumni Reunion Jakarta Asian Games. Sports Federation of Hong Kong competitions
Dinner in 2014. 劉慕裳於2018雅加達亞運奪得 and unleashed her potential.
校友劉慕裳(左)、城大校長郭位教授(中)及校友胡樂敏(右) 空手道女子個人形項目銅牌。 劉慕裳就讀城大期間曾率領女子空手道
出席2014城大運動校隊及校友年度聚會暨晚宴。 代表隊在大專賽事取得佳績,大放異彩。