EUPLANT Lecture: EU-China Relations: A Coherence Perspective

by Esther Wong

CityU School of Law, in cooperation with EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation (EUPLANT) Project, have jointly held a lecture via Zoom on 27 May 2021. We were honoured to have Dr Kolja RAUBE, Assistant Professor of European Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at KU Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) in Belgium, to give a lecture titled “EU-China Relations: A Coherence Perspective”.

The Lecture was kicked off with welcome remarks by Dr HE Tianxiang (Assistant Professor,  CityU School of Law). Dr He explained the background and the aims of EUPLANT Lecture, and the background of the speaker. He also thanked all the participants for their support for the Lecture. 

EUPLANT_HE Tianxiang
Dr HE Tianxiang
Dr Kolja RAUBE

Dr Raube’s Lecture focused on the coherence of the EU-China relations. He first explained the coherence and strategic pragmatism of the EU foreign policy and explored if coherence and strategy apply to the foreign policy of the EU. Furthermore, he examined the EU-China relations from a coherence perspective in the global and EU foreign policy context. According to Dr Raube, the signing of The Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) between the EU and China and the introduction of sanctions from the EU signify the incoherent EU-China relationship. He concluded that with the dividing Europe, it is unlikely to have one pragmatic and one principled approach towards the EU-China relations.

After the Lecture, questions were raised by some participants, including Prof LIN Feng (Associate Dean, School of Law, CityU School of Law, Coordinator of the EUPLANT project in Hong Kong) and Dr Matthieu BURNAY (Associate Professor, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London). They interacted with Dr Raube in the Q & A session. The Lecture was concluded with the closing remarks by Dr HE Tianxiang, who thanked Dr Raube for his valuable contributions and all the audience for their attendance which made this Lecture a great success and fruitful.

Prof LIN Feng
Dr Matthieu BURNAY

Chinese Title
中歐法律與司法合作專案(EUPLANT)講座 : 「歐中關係:以歐盟一致性原則為視角」
News Date
Chinese Body

香港城市大學法律學院與中歐法律與司法合作專案(EUPLANT)在 2021 年 5 月 27 日合作,通過 Zoom 平台舉辦了一個專題講座。學院很榮幸能邀請到比利時魯汶大學(KU Leuven)社會科學學院的歐洲研究助理教授Kolja Raube博士主講「歐中關係:以歐盟一致性原則為視角」。

講座由城大法律學院助理教授何天翔博士(Dr. He Tianxiang)致歡迎辭揭開序幕。何博士解釋了講座的背景和目的,亦介紹了Raube博士的學術背景,並感謝所有參與者的出席及支持。

EUPLANT_HE Tianxiang
Kolja Raube 博士


講座的問答環節,席間包括香港城市大學法律學院副院長兼中歐法律與司法合作專案的香港區項目主任林峰教授(Professor Lin Feng)和英國倫敦大學瑪麗王后學院副教授Matthieu Burnay博士向講者提問,與講者積極互動。最後,何天翔博士向講者致謝,感謝他為大家帶來一場富有啟發性而精彩的講座。

Matthieu Burnay 博士