CityUHK Undergraduate Information Day 2024

The CityUHK Undergraduate Information Day 2024 was held on Saturday, 5 October, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. The School of Law (“SLW”) set up display boards and organized a series of admission talks, alumni sharing and thematic talks to provide prospective students with the most up-to-date information about the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and the double degree programmes. Our staff and student volunteers introduced programme information and addressed queries raised by participants.

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Professor Lin Feng (SLW Dean) gave an opening speech, Professor Michael Tsimplis (LLB Programme Director) talked on “Academic Admissions Guidance (LLB Programme)”, Professor Virginia Harper Ho talked on “The A, B, C’s of the Law School”, our alumni Miss Joanna Wong and Miss TOBAR Geanna Trisha Lopez talked on “Life at and after CityUHK” and Professor Chen Wen (Major Leader of BBAAC) presented the double degree programme with Accountancy.

The event was a success and we trust the potential students and their parents and relatives were able to get a lot of useful information in relation to the SLW programmes.

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法律學院院長林峰教授致歡迎詞,法律學學士課程主任Michael Tsimplis教授介紹「法律學學士課程入學要求」,郝唯真教授主講「法律學院的A, B, C」, 而法律學院校友黃芷盈小姐及TOBAR Geanna Trisha Lopez小姐則分享「在城大及畢業後生活的點滴」,工商管理學士(會計)專業課程主任陳雯教授介紹了法律學學士與工商管理學士(會計)雙學位課程。
