Professor Julien Chaisse Participates in Global Free Zones of the Year 2024 Judging Panel

   Professor Julien Chaisse from the School of Law at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) served on the judging panel for the Global Free Zones of the Year 2024 Awards, organised by fDi Intelligence, a central service of the Financial Times. Widely regarded as the foremost competition for special economic zones (SEZs), the awards draw submissions from leading zones worldwide, recognising outstanding contributions to global trade, investment, sustainable development, and regulatory structure and enforcement.

Professor Chaisse was invited to join the judging panel due to his seminal academic work on SEZs, which has made a significant impact in the field of international economic law.

This year, over 60 zones from across the globe were reviewed by a panel of experts in SEZ development, international investment, and legal frameworks. In addition to Professor Julien Chaisse, the panel included Ámbar Ruíz Chaperón, a corporate lawyer and foreign trade consultant who led Panama’s free zone programme from 2020 to 2023; Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Hafez, an expert in trade integration and SEZs at Nottingham Trent University; Preston Martin, co-founder of Adrianople Group; and Andreas Baumgartner, deputy CEO of Tipolis Pte and co-founder of The Metis Institute, who has over 25 years of experience in SEZ projects.

The Global Free Zones of the Year Awards evaluated zones based on their ability to attract foreign direct investment, support sustainable growth, and enhance their legal and governance frameworks. The awards, powered by fDi Intelligence, continue to provide important insights into how free zones are shaping the future of global trade and investment, while ensuring legal robustness and compliance with international standards.

For more information and the full list of winners, please visit



Chinese Title
夏竹立教授擔任「2024 年全球自由經濟區大獎」評審團
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Chinese Body

香港城市大學(城大)法律學院的夏竹立教授擔任「2024 年全球自由經濟區大獎」的評審團成員。該獎項由英國《金融時報》的中央機構 fDi Intelligence 舉辦,被廣泛認為是經濟特區 (SEZs) 最重要的競賽,吸引了來自全球領先的經濟特區參賽,表彰對全球貿易、投資、可持續發展以及監管結構和執行的傑出貢獻。


今年,由經濟特區發展、國際投資和法律架構方面的專家組成的評審小組對全球 60 多個經濟特區進行了評審。除了 夏竹立教授之外,評審小組成員還包括:Ámbar Ruíz Chaperón,企業律師兼外貿顧問,曾於 2020 年至 2023 年間領導巴拿馬的自由經濟區計畫;Mohamed Ibrahim Hafez 博士,諾丁漢特倫特大學 (Nottingham Trent University) 的貿易整合與經濟特區專家;Preston MartinAdrianople Group 的聯合創辦人;以及 Andreas BaumgartnerTipolis Pte 的副執行長兼 The Metis Institute 的聯合創辦人,在經濟特區計畫方面擁有超過 25 年的經驗。

全球年度最佳自由經濟區大獎根據各經濟特區吸引外國直接投資、支持可持續發展以及加強法律和治理框架的能力進行評審。獎項由 fDi Intelligence 贊助,將繼續為自由經濟區如何塑造全球貿易和投資的未來提供重要見解,同時確保法律的穩健性和符合國際標準。
