East China University of Political Science and Law visited CityUHK School of Law

A delegation from East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) visited School of Law of City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) on 22 July to strengthen the collaborative relationship between the two institutions in legal education and research.

Professor Stephen Shum, Associate Provost (Quality Assurance amd Accountability) of CityUHK, Professor Lin Feng, Dean of CityUHK School of Law, Professor Ding Chunyan, Associate Dean of CityUHK School of Law and Mr Carl Tang, Associate Director of CityUHK Global Engagement Office received the ECUPL delegation. The ECUPL delegation included Professor Ye Qing, President of ECUPL; Professor Wu Qiaofang, Director of the International Affairs Office; Professor Ren Chao, Associate Dean of School of Economics and Law; Dr Sun Jaiwei, Secretary of the President’s Office.

Discussions covered collaboration agreements, staff exchange agreement, visiting students, research collaborations, etc. The two sides looked forward to continuous comprehensive cooperation between CityUHK and ECUPL in the future.

East China University of Political Science and Law visited CityUHK School of Law


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華東政法大學(華政)代表團於722日訪問了香港城市大學(城大) 法律學院,以加強兩間學院於法學教育和研究方面的合作關係。

城大協理學務副校長(質素保證及問責) 岑運亨教授、法律學院院長林峰教授、副院長丁春艷教授及環球事務拓展處副處長鄧儁峰先生,接待了華東政法大學代表團。 華東政法大學代表團成員包括,校長葉青教授、國交處處長伍巧芳教授、經濟法學院副院長任超教授,和校長辦公室秘書孫嘉偉博士


East China University of Political Science and Law visited CityUHK School of Law