The 2nd Legal Training Programme for Lawyers Associations of Ningbo, Jiaxing, and Zhoushan

The 2nd Legal Training Programme for Lawyers Associations of Ningbo, Jiaxing, and Zhoushan

The Legal Training Programme for Lawyers Associations of Ningbo, Jiaxing, and Zhoushan has successfully concluded on 26 May 2024. The 7-days programme was organized by the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong from 20 to 26 April 2024.

During the week-long intensive training, trainees completed ten lectures and four visits. The lectures delivered by Mr. Richard KHAW SC, Recorder of Court of First Instance of the High Court, Dr. Jimmy MA, SBS, Mr. ZHUANG Zhongxi, Senior Counsel of China Legal Services (Hong Kong) Ltd, Mr. WANG Xizhen, Barrister at law, Mr. Alan J. XU, Co-Managing Partner (Chairman) of Zhong Lun Law Firm LLP, Mr. WONG Sin Tuen, Co-Managing Partner of  China Commercial Lam Lee Lai Lawyers, Prof. DING Chunyan and Prof. Alexander LOKE, Associate Dean of School of Law, and Prof. HE Tianxiang, Associate Professor of School of Law.

The trainees also had the opportunity to visit the China Legal Services (Hong Kong) Ltd, Hong Kong Bar Association, Law Society of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong International Arbitration Center. Through the training in Hong Kong, the trainees not only deepened their understanding of foreign-related legal knowledge, Hong Kong common law and judicial procedures, but also enhanced their practical skills.

The closing ceremony was successfully held on 26 May 2024, at School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. The ceremony was attended by several dignitaries, including Mr. XU Lihua, President of Ningbo Lawyers Association, Mr. WANG Junwei, Vice President of Ningbo Lawyers Association, Dr. Jimmy MA, SBS, Ms. FAN Siqing, Lawyer of Harnest & Garner, Mr. Alan J. ZHANG, Consultant of Zhong Lun Law Firm LLP, and Prof. Alexander LOKE, Associate Dean of School of Law.


During his speech at the Closing Ceremony, Prof. Alexander LOKE said that under the unique framework of "one country, two systems," trainees can learn the unique differences between Hong Kong common law and mainland Chinese law. This kind of cross-jurisdictional exchange and cooperation will undoubtedly benefit foreign-related matters and create a profound and positive impact on the field of legal services. Prof. LOKE sincerely wishes all students a bright future and looks forward to them coming to Hong Kong for more exchanges in the future to promote the prosperity and progress of the legal profession.


President XU Lihua also shared his heartfelt connection to Hong Kong and his pride in co-organizing a practical training course on foreign-related legal professions with the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. He praised the trainees for their accomplishments and hoped that they could use their gains from the programme to improve their practical abilities and contribute to the promotion of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. President XU concluded by expressing his eagerness to further deepen collaboration with Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, aiming to foster a prosperous future for the legal profession.

Chinese Title
甬嘉舟律師協會 - 涉外法律專業實務研修班
News Date
Chinese Body

The 2nd Legal Training Programme for Lawyers Associations of Ningbo, Jiaxing, and Zhoushan香港城市大學法律學院舉辦之甬嘉舟律師協會 - 涉外法律專業實務研修班於2024526日圓滿結業。

是次研修班爲期7天,由2024520日至26日在香港城市大學舉行。 在為期一周的密集式培訓中,學員完成了十個專題講座以及四次參訪活動,法律學院邀請了高等法院原訟法庭特委法官許偉強資深大律師、香港特區銀紫荊星章及太平紳士馬耀添大律師、中國法律服務(香港)有限公司莊仲希資深律師、恒大清盤案呈請人代表王希真大律師、中倫律師事務所香港辦事處聯席管理合夥人徐建輝律師、華商林李黎(前海)聯營律師事務所合夥人黃善端律師、法律學院副院長丁春豔教授和陸飛鴻教授以及何天翔教授為學員講授。 參訪行程包括中國法律服務(香港)有限公司、香港大律師公會、香港律師會、香港國際仲裁中心。透過是次的培訓,學員們不僅深化了對涉外法律知識的理解,瞭解香港普通法以及司法程序,同時也提升了實務能力。



