Congratulations to Three Faculty Members awarded General Research Fund (GRF)

The Research Grants Council (RGC) has recently announced the results of the General Research Fund (GRF) for 2024-25. Three professors of the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) were successful in obtaining this funding. The School has a supportive and vibrant research environment and these grant successes add to our thriving research environment.

The total amount of the three funded projects captured by the School of Law this year amounted to more than HK$1.7 million. The principal investigators are (in alphabetical order of surnames) Prof Julien CHAISSE, Prof CHAN Chi Hin Peter and Prof LI Enshen. The School appreciates the hard work of each colleague that goes into preparing the grant applications. From the pool of strong applications in this competitive process, three proposals particularly stood out.

Details of the three funded grants are as follows:

Julien Chaisse

Prof Julien CHAISSE, “The Black Box of Settlement Offers: Uncovering the Hidden Dynamics of Investor-State Dispute Settlement” ($727,000)



Peter Chan

Prof CHAN Chi Hin Peter, “Judicial Expansion of Criminality for Stability: State Control of Rural Resistance to Land Acquisition in China” ($490,000)


Li Enshen


Prof LI Enshen, “Extraterritoriality of Chinese Criminal Jurisdiction: A Socio-legal Study” ($516,976)



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研究資助局最近公佈了 2024-25 年度「優配研究金」的資助名單。香港城市大學法律學院三位教授成功獲得資助學院一直秉持鼓勵性及多元的研究風氣。是次資助申請的成功為學院錦上添花。



Julien Chaisse


夏竹立教授的研究項目為「和解提議的黑匣子:揭示投資者與國家爭端解決的隱藏動態」, 獲資助 $727,000



Peter Chan


陳志軒教授的研究項目為「擴張刑事責任以維護社會秩序:以中國農村土地徵收為例」, 獲資$490,000


Li Enshen

李恩深教授的研究項目為「中國刑法的治外法權:基於法社會學的研究」, 獲資助 $ 516,976