Congratulations to Four Faculty Members awarded General Research Fund (GRF) / Early Career Scheme (ECS)

by Chris AU

The Research Grants Council (RGC) has recently announced the results of the General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) for 2023-24. The School of Law, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has continued to succeed in establishing a strong research culture, and the research grants awarded to our faculty testify that we have nurtured a vibrant and high-quality research environment at CityU School of Law.

The total amount of the four funded projects captured by the School of Law this year amounted to more than HK$2 million. The principal investigators are (in alphabetical order of surnames) Prof CHAN Chi Hin Peter, Prof CROFTS Thomas, Prof FANG Meng Mandy and Prof HE Tianxiang. Despite the keen competition, they achieved high standards in their respective research expertise. We sincerely congratulate them on their outstanding achievements.

Colleagues who did not succeed in this round have also made considerable efforts in submitting high-quality proposals. We believe that all the hard work and dedication they have put in will not be futile but help them achieve new heights in their research.

Details of the four funded grants are as follows:

Prof CHAN Chi Hin Peter, “Has the Plea Leniency Procedure Reshaped China’s Criminal Justice System? – An Empirical Enquiry” ($490,000)


CROFTS, Thomas

Prof CROFTS Thomas, “Assisting children to communicate in criminal proceedings in Hong Kong: Assessing the case for introducing an intermediary scheme” ($581,336)


FANG, Meng Mandy
Prof FANG Meng Mandy, “China’s Environmental Governance of Plastic Pollution: Mission (Im)possible?” ($471,500)


HE, Tianxiang

Prof HE Tianxiang, “Towards a trust and context-based right to explanation of automated decision-making algorithms in China” ($616,686)


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研究資助局剛公佈了 2023-24 年度「優配研究金」及「傑出青年學者計劃」的資助名單。城大法律學院繼續致力推動學術研究,而是次資助撥款充份顯示城大法律學院致力營造多元且高質素的研究環境。 

四個計劃共取得超過二百萬港元資助。四名獲資助的學者包括(按英文姓氏順序)陳志軒教授、CROFTS Thomas教授、方教授及何天翔教授。儘管「優配研究金」及「傑出青年學者計劃」競爭激烈,他們仍能於其研究專長中取得高質的成果,我們謹向他們致以熱烈祝賀。而與此輪研究資助失之交臂的教職員,他們的努力絕不會白費,相信日後他們的研究必定可更上一層樓。


志軒教授的研究項目為「認罪認罰從寬制度是否重塑了中國的刑事司法?一項基於實證的研究」, 獲資助 $490,000


CROFTS, Thomas

CROFTS Thomas教授的研究項目為「在香港刑事訴訟中協助兒童溝通:評估引入中介計劃」, 獲資$581,336

FANG, Meng Mandy
方萌教授的研究項目為「中國應對塑膠污染的環境治理:可能還是不可能完成的任務?」, 獲資助 $471,500


HE, Tianxiang

何天翔教授的研究項目為「構建中國的基於信任和情境的自動決策演算法之解釋權」, 獲資助 $616,686