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CityUHK School of Law signs MOU with NWUPL School of International Law
In furtherance of mutual interest in the field of education and research and as a contribution to increased institutional cooperation, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK SLW) and School of International Law, Northwest University of Political Science and Law (NWUPL) has established a Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Exchange (MOU).
The MOU was signed by Professor Lin Feng, Dean of CityUHK SLW and Professor Liu Yajun, Dean of NWUPL International Law School. The NWUPL delegation, led by Vice President Professor Sun Haoliang, also comprised other members including Professor Wang Yingying, Dr Zhang Zuoguo, Dr He Xiaoli, Dr Wang Menglin and Ms Huang Wenxuan. The SLW members included Professor Lin Feng, Dean, Professor Ding Chunyan, Associate Dean and Professor Wang Jiangyu, Director, Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law.
The MOU covered the further exploration on collaboration agreements, staff exchange, exchange students, research collaborations, etc. The two sides looked forward to continuous comprehensive cooperation between CityUHK School of Law and NWUPL Law School in the future.

城大法律學院院長林峰教授和西北政法大學國際法學院劉亞軍教授簽署了合作備忘錄。西北政法大學代表團由副校長孫浩良教授率領,其他成員包括王瑩瑩教授、張佐國教授、賀小麗博士、王夢琳博士和黃聞萱老師。 城大法律學院成員包括院長林峰教授、副院長丁春艷教授及中國法與比較法研究中心主任王江雨教授。