Asian Pacific Copyright Association Annual Conference 2024

On November 18, 2024, the Asian Pacific Copyright Association and Hong Kong Commercial and Maritime Law Centre of City University of Hong Kong co-organized the APCA Annual Conference 2024.

The conference aimed to address the unique blend of convergence and divergence in copyright regulatory standards across the diverse jurisdictions of the Asian-Pacific region. It aimed to explore how different jurisdictions are shaping their copyright laws and theories to meet new challenges and local needs. This thrilling event attracted excellent scholars worldwide, including China, Australia, Japan, India, Singapore, etc.

On the morning of the first day of the conference, as the representation of the School of Law of City University, Associate Dean Prof. Ding Chunyan gave welcome remarks to express her sincere welcome to the scholars. Afterward, Prof. Natalie Stoianoff (Immediate Past President, APCA) and Associate Prof. He Tianxiang (President, APCA and Conference Convenor) delivered opening remarks separately. They restated the theme of the conference and expressed their expectation of unique insights and the smooth running of the conference.

Lasted for two days, the conference was divided into two keynote speeches and eight panels. The first keynote speech was delivered by Prof. Jyh-An Lee from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, his topic was Copyrights and Other Property Interests in Training Data. The second keynote speech was delivered by Prof. David Tan from the National University of Singapore, the theme was Al Authorship: The East Leading the West? During the conference, cutting-edge topics on copyright law and technological innovation were thoroughly discussed.

The closing remark was delivered by HKCML Director Prof. Alexander Loke and APCA President Associate Prof. He Tianxiang. They expressed their sincere gratitude to the scholars who delivered wonderful speeches, as well as to the organizers of the conference. At this point, the 2024 APCA Annual Conference successfully concluded with warm applause!

Authors: GAO Lingjun (PhD Candidate) & ZHANG Yiyan (PhD Candidate)

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會議第一天上午,副院長丁春艷教授代表城市大學法學院致歡迎辭,對來自世界各地的學者表示衷心的歡迎。隨後,Natalie Stoianoff教授(亞太版權協會前任會長)和何天翔副教授(亞太版權協會會長兼會議召集人)分別致開幕辭。他們重述了本次會議的主題,並期待與會者可以提出獨到的見解,以及祝願會議順利進行。

為期兩天的會議共分為兩個主題演講和八個專題討論會。來自香港中文大學李治安教授帶來了第一個主題演講,他的主題為「訓練數據中的版權和其他財產權益」。第二個主題報告由來自新加坡國立大學的David Tan教授主講,主題為「人工智能作者身份:東方引領西方?」。會議過程中,各位學者就著作權法、科技創新等前沿議題進行了深入討論。

在會議的閉幕環節,香港商務及海事法研究中心主任Alexander Loke教授和亞太版權協會(APCA)會長何天翔副教授先後進行了會議總結。他們對出席會議並發表精彩演講的學者以及會議組織者表示衷心的感謝。至此,2024年亞太版權協會(APCA)年會在熱烈的掌聲中圓滿結束!

作者:高凌珺(博士候選人)& 張藝嚴(博士候選人)