CGPA Banding for Master's (Taught Postgraduate) Award Classifications

  • Upon completion of all appropriate graduation requirements, students will be awarded an appropriate degree with one of the following classifications:
    Postgraduate Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma/Master's Degree
  • University awards are classified by the relevant College/School Dean, who makes a recommendation to Senate for the conferment of awards.
  • The various classifications are based on CGPA. The general guidelines are as follows:
    Applicable to intake cohorts between 2010/11 and 2021/22 
    Postgraduate Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma/Master's Degree CGPA
    Distinction 3.50 or above
    Credit 3.20 – 3.49
    Pass 2.00 – 3.19

    Applicable to intake cohorts starting from 2022/23*

    Postgraduate Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma/Master's Degree CGPA
    Distinction 3.65 or above
    Credit 3.30 – 3.64
    Pass 2.85 – 3.29

    * Except for students in the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws programme, for whom the guidelines applicable to students admitted before Semester A 2022/23 will continue to be followed.

  • In all cases of classification of awards, the CGPAs cited above are indicative. The Dean has the right, upon the recommendation of the respective academic unit, to make exceptions in the application of the indicative GPAs.
  • College/School Deans classify awards with regard to, but not necessarily in strict conformity with, a student's CGPA.