Frequently Asked Questions for DegreeWorks (for Staff)

What is DegreeWorks?

DegreeWorks is a new web-based tool that CityUHK adopted in 2010/11 for academic advising and degree audit. DegreeWorks matches a student’s academic record against the degree requirements. It helps students learn easily what courses and requirement they still need to complete and help them plan their studies. DegreeWorks also facilitates communication between students and Programme Leaders/Academic Advisors, and helps staff members monitor the students’ progress more easily.

Who can use DegreeWorks?

Professional doctorate students admitted from 2009 onwards and taught postgraduate students admitted from 2012 onwards will use DegreeWorks for degree audit.

I am a staff. When I click on DegreeWorks, a message appears that says "we could not locate an account with that login information". What does that mean?

In the pilot run, DegreeWorks is available only to departmental staff of the professional doctorate programmes and the 6 designated taught postgraduate programmes adopting. You have to be a Programme Leader, Academic Advisor, or departmental staff who have the “Student View” privilege in AIMS Services. You can check your current service level under the “My University Services Level” under the Personal Information tab in AIMS. Your Head of Department can grant access privilege to staff members online in AIMS by using the “Grant AIMS Services Access Privilege” function (under "Office Admin" tab). HoDs can also request the ESU to do so on their behalf by completing the AIMS Services Authorization Form.