Application for Conference Grant and Research Activities Fund for Research Degree Students

A. Application Schedule for 2024-2025

Round Application period Conferences/activities to be held during the following period
1 1 – 31 Mar 2024 May – Jul 2024
2 16 May – 15 Jun 2024 Aug – Oct 2024
3 1 – 30 Sep 2024 Nov 2024 – Jan 2025
4 1 – 31 Dec 2024 Feb – Apr 2025

B. Conference Grant

The grant is intended to subsidise research students to attend academic conferences. Students who plan to attend for conferences during the period stated in the application schedule should apply for the grant in the corresponding round, including students who are waiting for confirmation of paper acceptance (Approval of such applications will be made subject to the final acceptance of the conference paper for oral/poster presentation).

Please note that:
  1. Conferences that take place outside the period stated in the application schedule for the round concerned will not be processed.
  2. The grant does not support students attending conferences through participation in tour packages. For those who wish to attend conferences through an air ticket‐hotel package instead of buying a return ticket and arranging hotel accommodation separately, please note that such cases will be considered on a case‐by‐case basis, and if approved, no subsistence allowance will be provided.
  3. The grant supports 90% of the cost of one return passage by the most direct and economical means available. Change of itinerary without prior approval of SGS is not allowed.
  4. Students are allowed to arrive the conference location 1 day before and to leave the location 1 day after according to the conference period. For longer stay, students are required to obtain approval of vacation leave from their supervisor.
  5. Students in their extension study period are not eligible to apply for or receive the award of conference grants/RAF.

C. Research Activities Fund (RAF)

The Research Activities Fund is established to provide financial support to students undertaking research related activities outside Hong Kong. Students who plan to undertake research related activities during the period stated in the application schedule should apply for the funds in the corresponding round.

Please note that:
  1. To encourage overseas academic exchange, funding priority will be given to students visiting overseas institutions for research related work or research collaboration with overseas institutions.
  2. Activities that commence outside the period stated in the application schedule for the round concerned will not be processed.
  3. Retroactive approval of fund for activities that have already taken place will not be considered.
  4. The Research Activities Fund does not cover students attending academic conferences.
  5. Students in their extension study period are not eligible to apply for or receive the award of conference grants/RAF.

D. Application Procedure

To apply for the grant/fund, please submit an application (SGS13/SGS14) with the endorsement of supervisor and School Dean/Department Head, to SGS by the application deadline of the round concerned. The forms are obtainable from the SGS Website: Please read the guidelines in the form carefully before submitting your application. 

E. Application Results

Students will normally be notified of the result in writing three weeks after submission of application.

Last updated on Feb 2024