Approved Courses for Research Degree Students (EN)

Department of English

PhD students are required to fulfill the stipulated core course and electives requirements.

Core Courses for PhD Students (9 Credits) for 2019 cohort and thereafter:

Code Course Title Credits 2024-2025
Semester / Term
EN8001 English Department Research Students' Seminar I 2 A & B /
B & A
EN8002 English Department Research Students' Seminar II 2 A & B /
B & A
EN8014 English for Academic Research and Publication in Social Sciences and Humanities 3 B
EN8930 Independent Studies * 2 A / B


Research Methodology and Ethics Course(s) for PhD Students (3 Credits) for 2019 cohort and thereafter :

Code Course Title Credits 2024-2025
Semester / Term
EN8015 Research Methods in English Studies 3 A


Electives for PhD Students (3 Credits for 2019 cohort and thereafter):

Code Course Title Credits 2024-2025
Semester / Term
EN5315 Analysing Specialised Texts for Applied Purposes # 3 B
EN5450 Survey of Literary Genres # 3 A
EN5461 Language in Its Social Context # 3 A
EN5464 English Phonetics and Phonology #% 3 -
EN5465 Second Language Acquisition # 3 A
EN5466 Testing and Evaluation in Language Studies #% 3 -
EN5490 English Grammar # 3 B
EN5491 Discourse Analysis # 3 A
EN5495 Spoken Language Interactivity # 3 B
EN6483 Drama-Based Pedagogy #% 3 -
EN6494 New Literacies and Language Teaching # 3 B
EN6495 Approaches to Language Teaching # 3 B
EN6505 Curriculum Design in Language Studies #% 3 -
EN6508 Critical Approaches to Literature # 3 A
EN6509 World Literatures in English # 3 B
EN6510 Asian and Asian Diaspora Literature in English #% 3 -
EN6511 Teaching English for Academic Purposes #% 3 -
EN6512 Special Topics in English Studies #% 3 -
EN6513 Fantasy and Literature # 3 B
EN6517 Literature and the City #% 3 -
EN6519 Studies in Literature and Film # 3 A
EN6520 The Graphic Novel # 3 A
EN6521 Discourse, Ideology and Power #% 3 -
EN6522 Corpus Linguistics in English Studies # 3 A
EN6523 Studies in Short Fiction # 3 B
EN8016 Self-Directed Research in English Studies *% 3 -

# Subject to approval by the program leader on a case-by-case basis
* Courses for students of EN only
% Courses not to be offered in 2024-2025

Updated in June 2024