Approved Courses for Research Degree Students (SYE)

Department of Systems Engineering

MPhil/PhD students are required to fulfill the stipulated core course and electives requirements.

Core Courses for PhD Students (9 Credits) :

Code Course Title Credits


SYE8201 Optimization and Applications 3 -
SYE8202 Systems Modelling and Management 3 B
SYE8203 Applied Probability and Statistics  3 B
SYE8204 Process Modelling and Control 3 A
SYE8206 Semiconductor Manufacturing 3 A


Research Methodology and Ethics Courses for PhD Students (4 Credits) :

Code Course Title Credits


SYE8009 Research Methodology 2 & B
SYE8210 Advanced Research Topics 2 A & B
SYE8001M Comprehensive Studies * # 2 A & B /
B & Summer /
Summer & A
SYE8002M Research Seminar *  2 A & B

* For SYE PhD students under the Mainland Collaboration Schemes only.

Core Courses for MPhil Students :


Research Methodology and Ethics Courses for MPhil Students (2 Credits) :

Code Course Title Credits


SYE8009 Research Methodology 2 & B

Electives for PhD Students (3 Credits)/MPhil Students (5 Credits) :

Code Course Title Credits


SYE5006 Operations Management 3 B
SYE5009 Industrial Marketing Management for Engineers 3 A
SYE6009 Project Management  3 B
SYE6012 Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship  3 B
SYE6014 Asset and Maintenance Management  3 -
SYE6015 Supply Chain Management 3 B
SYE6021 Systems Engineering & Management 3 -
SYE6037 Managing Strategic Quality 3 -
SYE6043 Quality and Reliability Engineering 3 B
SYE6044 China Engineering Enterprise Management  3 -
SYE6047 Quality Improvement: Systems and Methodologies 3 A
SYE6048 Marketing Strategy for Engineers  3 -
SYE6050 Engineering Economic Analysis  3 -
SYE6052 Organization Learning  3 -
SYE6053 Business Process Improvement and Innovation  3 B
SYE6101 Estimation and Control of Random Dynamic Systems  3 -
SYE6102 Managerial Decision-making Systems with Artificial Intelligence 3 -
SYE6104 Theoretical Underpinnings of Decision Making Under Uncertainly  3 -
SYE6105 Risk and Decision Analysis 3 -
SYE6108 Energy Conservation and Management 3 -
SYE8001 Comprehensive Studies  # 3 -
SYE8007M Advanced Research Topics 3 B
SYE8011 Statistical Modeling and Design of Experiments 3 -
SYE8012 Data Mining and Statistical Modeling 3 -
SYE8101 3 -
SYE8102 Forecasting and Control using Regression, Time Series, and Dynamic Models 3 -
SYE8103 Advanced Design of Experiments and Taguchi Method  3 -
SYE8105 Quantitative Methods for Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 3 -
SYE8106 Special Topics in Stochastic Modeling 1 -
SYE8107 Special Topics in Computational Optimization 1 -
SYE8108 Advanced Topics in Information Theory 3 -
SYE8205 Managerial Economics 3 B
SYE8206 Semiconductor Manufacturing @ 3 A

# Scope of studies and assessment methods to be decided by the Qualifying Panel.
@ Electives for MPhil students. 

updated in June 2024