Industry Ready Programme

Industry ready programme

I.  Introduction

The SEE Industry Ready Programme is a flagship programme of SEE to enhance students’ employability.

The programme was officially launched with the Virtual MOU Signing Ceremony on 14 January 2021. Officiating guests included Mr. Wong Kam-sing, the then Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government, former President Way Kuo of CityU, Prof. Richard Yuen Kwok-kit, Chief-of-Staff, Prof. Chak K. Chan, the then Dean of SEE, and Ir Dr. Vincent Cheng Sai-yau, Chairman of SEE Advisory Committee. Joining them in the online ceremony were over 50 senior executives of the industry partners.

With the tremendous support from strategic partners the “SEE Industry Ready Programme” is the fruit of the concerted efforts of SEE and the industry to nurture future leaders in the field of energy, environment and sustainability.

List of Strategic Partners:

(Last updated: 2023/2024)

II. Programme Overview

Programme Tracks

Track 1: Energy
Track 2: Environment & Sustainability

Programme Components

Pre-internship Training Sessions
Summer Internship

Programme Period

Pre-internship Training Sessions:      Late May – Late June
Summer Internship:                                   Late June / Early July – August

Target Students Year-2 and Year-3 SEE Undergraduate Students


III.  Pre-internship Training Sessions

  • Professional bodies and well-renowned companies/organisations will be invited to deliver training sessions for students who are enrolled in the “SEE Industry Ready Programme”.
  • All training sessions will be grouped under “Energy” or “Environment/Sustainability” track.
  • It is mandatory for:
    • ESE students enrolled in “SEE Industry Ready Programme” to attend ALL training sessions under “Energy” track; and
    • EVE students enrolled in “SEE Industry Ready Programme” to attend ALL training sessions under “Environment/Sustainability” track
  • It is optional for:
    • ESE students enrolled in “SEE Industry Ready Programme” to attend any of the training sessions under “Environment/Sustainability” track
    • EVE students enrolled in “SEE Industry Ready Programme” to attend any of the training sessions under “Energy” track


The following training sessions have been arranged in 2022/23 to provide students with new knowledge about the industry.

Track Training Sessions
  • Retro-commissioning Training
  • BEAM Affiliate Training
  • WELL Training
  • ESG Jumpstart Programme
  • Noise and Acoustics Training


IV.  Summer Internship

  • Internship quota is limited, students will have to compete for an internship. Internship is not guaranteed.
  • SEE will review all applications and make nominations to internship partners. The internship partners will make the final decision on internship appointment.
  • Throughout the summer internship, students are expected to grasp practical work experience and understand how the market works.


V.  Application and Selection

Tentative schedule is as follows:
March:  SEE students could apply for “SEE Industry Ready Programme” training sessions and summer internships under the programme
April:  Interviews by SEE
Mid April:  Announcement of application results
May - June:  Selection by internship partners & internship appointment
(Remarks: Please pay attention to SEE emails)

VI.  Useful Information for Internship Partners and Student Interns

For Internship Partners When inviting internship partners for the 2024 Summer Internship Positions, SEE will provide them with an Information Sheet. This document will include important details such as the internship period, remuneration, insurance, employer-employee relationship, MPF, minimum wage, joint supervision, assessment, as well as recruitment and appointment procedures.
For Student Interns

All student interns are required to study the “SEE Internship Handbook and appendices” before commencement of the summer internship, and complete all required assessment by the end of the summer internship.
(Remarks: Please pay attention to SEE emails)


VII.  Student Interns’ Stories

Read the following advertorials to know more about the internship partners’ and students’ sharing on SEE Industry Ready Programme 2020/21 and 2021/22.