Prof. Yun Hau NG

PhD in Chemistry, Osaka University
Staff title
Adjunct Professor

Yun Hau Ng is a Professor in the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D (Chemistry) from Osaka University in 2009. After a brief research visit to Radiation Laboratory at University of Notre Dame (Prof. Prashant Kamat’s group), he joined the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials led by Prof. Rose Amal at UNSW and Prof. Max Lu at University of Queensland with the Australian Early Career Researcher Fellowship (APD) in 2011. He became a lecturer (2014) and Senior Lecturer (2016) in the School of Chemical Engineering at UNSW before joining City University of Hong Kong in 2018.

His research is focused on the development of novel photoactive semiconductors (particles and thin films) for sunlight energy-to-chemicals conversion and storage, including hydrogen generation from water and conversion of carbon dioxide to solar fuels. Focusing on these topics, he has secured about HK$35 million research funding from various sources including Hong Kong Research Grant Council and Australian Research Council. 

In 2019, Prof. Ng was awarded APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE) in Chile for his work in artificial photosynthesis. In 2018, he received the Distinguished Lectureship Award from the Chemical Society of Japan. He was previously named the Honda-Fujishima Prize winner in 2013 as the first non-Japanese recipient, in recognition of his work in the area of photo-driven water splitting. He was also an Emerging Investigator in Energy Materials by the RSC Journal of Material Chemistry A in 2016. He has published over 170 peer-reviewed research articles (including Nature CatalysisJACSAngewandte ChemieAdvanced MaterialsAdvanced Energy Materials, Energy & Environmental Science, Chemical Society ReviewsChemical Reviews and etc) with >14,000 citations. He is currently serving as an Editor for Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Springer).

CAREnergy Group Catalysis for Alternative & Renewable Energy

Other Information

Research Interests

  • Suspension-type nanoparticulate photocatalytic water splitting. (i) Reactor design for scalable reaction; (ii) Development of Z-scheme artificial photosynthesis using oxide powder; (iii) Band-structural modulation of oxide semiconductor.
  • Photoelectrochemical water splitting. (i) Scalable thin film fabrication methods; (ii) Liquid-solid interface at photoelectrodes; (iii) Charge transportation under illuminated electrochemical system.
  • Electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction or conversion assisted with light. (i) CO2 adsorption-reduction/conversion mechanistic pathways; (ii) Development of low cost earth-abundant electrode materials.
  • Other photocatalytic reactions for energy and environmental applications. For examples, (i) NOx degradation and (ii) ammonia decomposition (for hydrogen generation).

Research Videos

Prof. Yun Hau Ng – Zero pollution technology for generating renewable energy

Prof. Yun Hau Ng, 2019 ASPIRE Prize Winner on his Clean Energy Research

Selected International Awards and Honours

2019 APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE)
by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
2018 Distinguished Lectureship Award
by the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ)
2017 John A. Brodie Medal 
by ENGINEERS Australia
2016 Emerging Investigator 
by Royal Society of Chemistry (J. Mater. Chem. A)
2015 Theo Murphy Frontiers of Science Travel Award
by the Theo Murphy Fund, Royal Society of London
2013 Honda-Fujishima Prize 
by the Electrochemical Society of Japan
2012 OzCarbon Award
by the Australian Carbon Society
2011 Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (APD)
by the Australian Research Council (ARC)
2008 Japan Global Center of Excellence Fellowship (GCOE – Visiting Researcher)
by Osaka University to University of Notre Dame (USA)

Selected Recent Publications (recent 5 years)

  • H. Y. Chung, C.Y. Toe, W. Chen, X. Wen, R. J. Wong, R. Amal, F. F. Abdi, Y. H. Ng*, Manipulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with Tungsten Concentration: Enhancing Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6, Small 2021, 2102023.
  • H. Wu, X. Y. Kong, X. Wen, S. P. Chai, E. C. Lovell, J. Tang, Y. H. Ng*, Metal-organic Framework Decorated Cuprous Oxide Nanowires for Long-lived Charges Applied in Selective Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to CH4, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 202160 (15), 8455-8459.
  • H. Wu, H. L. Tan, C. Y. Toe, J. Scott, L. Wang, R. Amal, Y. H. Ng*, Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Systems: Similarities and Difference, Advanced Materials 202032 (18), 1904717.
  • H. L. Tan, F. F. Abdi, Y. H. Ng*, Heterogeneous Photocatalysts: An Overview of Classic and Modern Approaches for Optical, Electronic, and Charge Dynamics Evaluation, Chemical Society Reviews 201948 (5), 1255-1271.
  • C. Y. Toe, Z. Zheng, H. Wu, J. Scott, R. Amal, Y. H. Ng*, Photocorrosion of Cuprous Oxide in Hydrogen Production: Rationalising Self-Oxidation or Self-Reduction, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 201857 (41), 13613-13617.
  • S. N. Lou, N. Sharma, D. Goonetilleke, W. H. Saputera, T. M. Leoni, P. Brockbank, S. Lim, D. –W. Wang, J. Scott, R. Amal, Y. H. Ng*, An Operando Mechanistic Evaluation of a Solar-Rechargeable Sodium-ion Intercalation Battery, Advanced Energy Materials 20177 (19), 1700545 (Journal Cover).
  • H. L. Tan, H. A. Tahini, X. Wen, R. J. Wong, X. Tan, A. Iwase, A. Kudo, R. Amal, S. C. Smith, Y. H. Ng*, Interfacing BiVO4 with Reduced Graphene Oxide for Enhanced Photoactivity: A Tale of Facet Dependence of Electron Shuttling, Small 201612 (38), 5295-5302 (Journal Cover).

Selected Journal/Book Covers

Book Covers

Selected Media Coverage

Media Coverage

Media Coverage

Research Projects

2022-2024 Hong Kong RGC – General Research Fund (GRF)
Understanding the Improved Photocharge Transportation in Bismuth-based Photocatalysts via Defect and Structural Engineering, as PI.
2021-2023 CityU Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Grant (SIRG)
Development of Bismuth-based Photocatalyst Panel for Hydrogen Production from Water Splitting driven by Sunlight, as PI.
2021 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), Hong Kong Government
Feasibility Study on Generating Green Hydrogen in Hong Kong, as PI.
2021-2023 Hong Kong RGC – General Research Fund (GRF)
Development of Nanostructured Photoelectrodes for Solar Water Splitting via Advanced Electrochemical-based Synthesis Techniques, as PI.
2020-2022 Shenzhen Basic Research Grant
Addressing Stability Issue of Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Generation, as PI.
2020-2022 CityU Applied Research Grant (ARG)
Carbon Dioxide Capture and Conversion into Liquid Hydrocarbon Products, as Co-I (PI-Jin Shang, CityU)
2020-2022 Hong Kong RGC – General Research Fund (GRF)
Development of High Efficiency Non-TiO2 Photocatalysts by Understanding the Underlying Photocorrosion Phenomena, as PI.
2020-2021 Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) – PSTS-COVID-19 Public Sector Trial Scheme
A Fast-tract Vented Enclosure for COVID-19 Patients in Hospital, as Co-PI (PI: Dr. Steven Wang, CityU).
2019-2020 Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
Study of Energy Harvesting from H2O using Nano-porous Materials, as PI.
2019-2020 Contract Project: EPRO Advance Technology Pty Ltd
Silicon-based Fine Powder for Hydrogen Generation, as PI.
2019-2021 CityU Applied Research Grant (ARG)
Spontaneous Hydrogen Production from Wastewater using Elemental Powder Catalysts, as PI.
2019-2020 Australian Research Council (ARC) LIEF Project
Multi-angle In-operando Mapping of Nanoscale Electro/Photo-redox Reactions, as Chief Investigator (CI).
2018-2020 Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project
Overcoming the Inherent Instability of Photocatalyst to Produce Solar Fuels, as Chief Investigator (CI).
2017-2019 Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project
Anodisation Methods and Materials for Solar Water Splitting, as Chief Investigator (CI).
2017-2018 Australian Research Council (ARC) LIEF Project
Integrated Thin Film Facility for Catalysis and Energy Materials Research, as Chief Investigator (CI).
2017 Defence Science Institute-Maritime Future Technology Watch Program
Advanced Energy Materials for Maritime Future Technology, as Chief Investigator (CI).
2013-2015 Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project
Non-precious Fuel Cell Cathode Catalysts from Carbon-based Nanohybrids: A Computational to Experimental Quest, as Chief Investigator (CI).
2011-2013 Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project
Engineering Nanostructured Graphene-based Semiconductor Photocatalysis, as Chief Investigator (CI).
Staff Image
Research Interests
  • Suspension-type nanoparticulate photocatalytic water splitting
  • Photoelectrochemical water splitting
  • Electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction or conversion assisted with light
  • Other photocatalytic reactions for energy and environmental applications