Prof. Lin Zhang and his group received Best Paper Award at the 2024 International Conference on Climate and Energy Finance

We are delighted to share the exciting news that the paper by Prof. Lin Zhang and his group members Mr. HAO Xinya and Mr. HUANG Yongying has been honored with the Best Paper Award at the 2024 International Conference on Climate and Energy Finance (ICEF 2024).

The conference has attracted more than 400 scholars from over 100 renowned universities and research institutions worldwide. The awarded working paper titled “Visible Hands: High Temperatures, Power Rationing, and Firm Performances” studies the economic impact and welfare implications of heat-induced power rationing in an electricity market lacking price signals. SEE PhD student Mr. HAO Xinya, supervised by Prof. Zhang, presented the work in ICEF2024 and finally was selected as the Best Paper from over 240 papers presented at the conference. We sincerely congratulate Prof. Zhang and his team for this achievement.

International Conference Climate Energy Finance

International Conference Climate Energy Finance