Prof. Jin-Soo Kim’s Research Project Granted by Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research
A project proposal by Prof. Jin-Soo Kim and his colleagues is granted for the Collaborative Regional Research Programme under the Asia-Pacific Network (APN) for Global Change Research. APN is an intergovernmental network of 22 countries working towards an Asia-Pacific region that is successfully addressing the challenges of global change and sustainability. Prof. Kim’s proposal, entitled “Fire risk mapping and projection in the Asia-Pacific region based on big data and artificial intelligence technique”, will provide fire risk maps and projections on seasonal to decadal timescales based on artificial intelligence (AI) technique. His team will utilize multiple datasets from remote sensing, meteorology, environment, and socio-economics to identify the main driver of fire activity regionally and for future fire prevention. This project will be conducted for 2 years with USD 89,675.
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