Congratulations to Prof. Alex JEN and Prof. Edwin TSO on receiving funds from the HKSAR Government’s RAISe+ Scheme

We are delighted to announce that two of our esteemed faculty members, Prof. Alex JEN and Prof. Edwin TSO, have been granted funds from the HKSAR Government’s Research, Academic, and Industry Sectors One-plus Scheme (RAISe+ Scheme) for two pioneering projects led by them:

1.  “Scalable Production of Next Generation High-Performance Printable Solar Cells” led by Prof. Alex JEN

The team aims to manufacture stable, effective and low-cost printable perovskite solar cells (PSCs), which can be used in a wide range of applications. For example, they can be developed into versatile building- or vehicle-integrated photovoltaic systems, as well as power supplies for Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors and electronics. The team also aims to establish a pilot production line with an annual capacity of 25 MW.

2.  “Revolutionizing Climate Resistance: A Universal Solution via Next-Generation Radiative Cooling Technologies for a Greener Community” led by Prof. Edwin TSO

This project aims to develop advanced radiative cooling technologies that are universally applicable, providing sustainable, energy-efficient solutions to combat the urban heat island effect and enhance climate resilience, fostering a collaborative approach between academic research and industry application.

The RAISe+ Scheme has received a total of 94 applications in this round, and 24 teams have successfully received funding support. The scheme aims to unleash the potential of local universities in the transformation and commercialization of research and development outcomes, and facilitate relevant collaboration among the Government, industry, university and research sectors. It provides funding to projects covering health and medical sciences, new materials and new energy, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, electrical and electronic engineering, engineering, advanced manufacturing, Chinese medicine, and environmental, agricultural and marine biotechnology.

The School of Energy and Environment (SEE) expresses its admiration for Prof. Alex JEN and Prof. Edwin TSO’s remarkable accomplishments and eagerly anticipates the revolutionary progress and beneficial influence their research will yield.

RAISe+ Scheme MOU Signing Ceremony on 28 May 2024

Raise+ Scheme

​Raise+ Scheme