CityUHK-ASU Summer Program at SEE Fosters International Collaboration and Sustainability Innovation

The School of Energy and Environment (SEE), City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) and the School of Sustainability, Arizona State University (ASU) have successfully concluded the highly anticipated 2024 CityUHK-ASU Summer Program on Urban Sustainability, which brought together students, faculty, and industry experts from Hong Kong and the USA to address pressing issues in urban sustainability and resilience. The program, held from 17 June to 28 June, featured a series of engaging workshops, field trips, and collaborative projects designed to inspire the next generation of sustainability leaders.

Sustainability Innovation
 A total of 21 students from the School of Energy and Environment at City University of Hong Kong and the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University attended the program. Instructors included Prof. Rob Melnick, Director of International Programs and Presidential Professor of Practice, and Ryan Johnson, Executive Director of Executive Education and Professional Education, both from ASU. Prof. Shauhrat S. Chopra, Associate Professor in the School of Energy and Environment, graciously hosted and organized the program for CityUHK.

A Global Initiative for Sustainability

This Summer Program is part of a broader initiative to promote international collaboration in sustainability research and education at CityUHK.

Sustainability Innovation
Students participate in a site visit to WEEE Park in Hong Kong, gaining insights into the city’s electronic waste management and the Producer Responsibility Scheme.

One of the program’s highlights was a series of field trips that allowed students to witness sustainable practices in action. Participants visited various sites, including green buildings and renewable energy facilities at the CIC–Zero Carbon Park, waste electrical and electronic equipment treatment and recycling facility at WEEE·PARK, and community-based urban renewal projects by the Energizing Kowloon East Office. These field trips provided invaluable insights into the practical implementation of sustainability principles and fostered a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in building resilient urban environments in Hong Kong.

Sustainability Innovation
The program also featured insightful guest lectures by local experts, including Ms. Kitty Tam, Programme Lead of ‘Hong Kong 2050 is Now’ from Civic Exchange, who shared her journey and local initiatives.

Throughout the program, students worked in interdisciplinary teams to develop innovative solutions to real-world sustainability challenges. Guided by expert faculty from ASU and CityUHK, participants tackled issues ranging from waste management and renewable energy integration to climate change adaptation and sustainable urban planning.

Building Networks and Future Leaders

The CityUHK-ASU Summer Program also provided a platform for networking and building lasting relationships. Students had the opportunity to engage with industry professionals, government officials, and academic leaders during panel discussions and networking events. These interactions not only enriched the learning experience but also opened doors for future collaborations and career opportunities.

A Commitment to Sustainable Development

Prof. Shauhrat S. Chopra, Associate Professor and course instructor, emphasized the importance of such initiatives in fostering a global commitment to sustainable development. “The CityUHK-ASU Summer Program exemplifies the power of international collaboration in addressing the urgent challenges of sustainability. By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, we can develop innovative solutions that have a lasting impact on our cities and communities.”

Looking Ahead

“This experience has been transformative,” said Ivan Ma, a third-year student from SEE, CityUHK. “The knowledge and skills I’ve gained, along with the connections I’ve made, will undoubtedly shape my future career in sustainability.”

The success of the CityUHK-ASU Summer Program on Urban Sustainability underscores the vital role of education and collaboration in driving sustainable development. As participants return to their respective institutions and communities, they carry with them a renewed commitment to creating a more sustainable and resilient world.

Sustainability Innovation