8 Faculty Members from SEE Awarded GRF/ECS Research Grants in the 2024/25 Exercise

The Research Grants Committee (RGC) released the results of the 2024/25 General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) exercise on 27 June. It is with great satisfaction that we announce the School of Energy and Environment (SEE) has had eight esteemed faculty members recognized and awarded this year, securing in a cumulative research grant surpassing HK$8M.

Project Investigator (PI) Project Title
Prof. Wen-Xiong WANG, Associate Dean Marine Bivalves Facing Nanoplastics and Microplastics Challenges: Immune Responses and Single-cell RNA Sequencing
Prof. Zhiguo YUAN, Chair Professor Machine Learning Supported Real-time Ventilation Control in Sewer Networks
Prof. Patrick LEE, Professor Temporal Variations in Viromes and their Interactions with Microbial Hosts in Residential Built Environments under Different Indoor Environmental Conditions
Prof. Alvin LAI, Professor An Investigation of the Use of Antimicrobial Blue Light for the Effective Surface Disinfection of Multidrug-resistant Organisms in a Hospital Environment
Prof. Yun Hau NG, Professor Balancing Two-electron and Four-electron Transfer Processes in Photo-driven Water Oxidation for O2 and H2O2 Production
Prof. Sai Kishore RAVI, Assistant Professor Semi-Biological Solar Upcycling of Plastic Waste to Hydrogen Fuel with Promiscuous Hydrolase Hybrids and S-Scheme Photocatalysts
Prof. Jin-Soo KIM, Assistant Professor Impact of Forest Cover Change on Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change in Southern China
Prof. Jung-Eun CHU, Assistant Professor Marine Heat Waves and their Interaction with Tropical Cyclone Activity in the South China Sea

Achieving success in GRF and ECS serves as a pivotal benchmark for research performance. Congratulations to all the winners!

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