2023-24 SEE Advisory Committee
Chairman |
Ir Dr. Vincent CHENG |
Dr. Pak-Wai CHAN |
Mr. Don CHENG Head of Engineering – H.K. Utilities Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited |
Mr. Freeman CHEUNG |
Ir Prof Simon CHEUNG |
Mr. Yonghai DU |
Ms. Karen HO |
Ir Harry LAI, BBS Executive Director Hong Kong Green Building Council |
Mr. Peter LEE General Manager, Sustainability Airport Authority Hong Kong |
Mr. Ricky LIU |
Ir Eric LO |
Ir Prof. Louis LOCK |
Ir Eagle MO |
Mr. Simon NG |
Mr. Raymond POON |
Dr. Rong YANG, Ron Principal Assistant Secretary (Air Policy) Environmental and Ecology Bureau The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
Ir Andrew YOUNG |