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Zirui ZHANG (MSc-ETH Zurich)
College of Science Medal 2023

Congratulations! In 2023, Zirui ZHANG has been awarded the College of Science Medal, for his exceptional academic achievements and all-round skills. 

The College of Science Medal is awarded annually to a full-time final-year undergraduate student based on of his/her  academic performance and personal achievements. Zirui is an absolutely talented student who is studying a Master’s degree programme in Data Science at Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH) Zurich. He also received other offers from Yale University, Johns Hopkins University, Imperial College London and Carnegie Mellon University.

During the studies in CityUHK, Zirui was on the Dean’s List for all semesters during the 4 years. Distinguished academic performance is also shown in his study of the Globex Julmester program at Peking University, where he completed 2 courses related to simulation methods and intelligent manufacturing with A+ grades. With excellent academic achievements, he obtained several scholarships, including the College of Science Dean’s Scholarship 2022, the HKSAR Government Scholarship 2022 and 2023, the HKSAR Talent Development Scholarship 2022 and 2023 and Jingchen Monika Hu Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies 2022-2023.

Zirui also got fruitful results in external competitions. He won the Second Prize in the Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2021, organized by the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. He was also the Honorable Mention awardee of the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling 2022, administered by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications.

Last but not least, Zirui actively participated in helping his fellow classmates in studies. He had served as a leader of a Peer-Assisted Learning scheme using Supplemental Instruction (PALSI) group with 12 Year 1 students, sharing his knowledge and learning strategies weekly. He also offered a helping hand in the Math Help Centre of our department as a student helper to help non-mathematical major students.