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Student Orientation 2023


The Department of Mathematics welcomed new students by hosting the Departmental Student Orientation and Mentor-Mentee Meeting. 

Faculty members, and senior BSCM students wish all the new students to feel confident, prepared, and excited about life at CityUHK. 


To begin with, Prof Yukun HE, Student Orientation Departmental Coordinator, welcome our new students. 


Followed by Prof Ya Yan LU, Head & Professor, highlighted the milestone of Department of Mathematics and outlined the research area of faculty members.


Furthermore, Prof Jon Lo, Deputy Major Leader, elaborated the programme structure of BSc in Computing Mathematics (BSCM) and career path for graduates.


Mr Zach MANURUNG, student mentor, talked about his overseas exchange experience in Canada during Semester B, 2022-23


Mr Chun Shing LO, student mentor, answering questions about course selection during the Mentor-Mentee Meeting session 


Student mentors shared advice on the following areas:

•AIMS, Canvas, e-Portal & Email

•Course registration; Add/Drop request

•Campus life, Student Exchange Programme, Internship Schemes

•Booking of sports facilities