Eng · ·

Chinese Calligraphy Tutorials

In line with the Discovery-enriched Curriculum of the University, Calligraphy Connections Project (CCP) offers Chinese calligraphy practicing workshops with the aim to encourage students to develop skills beyond their immediate areas of studies and nurturing their interdisciplinary talent. We also hope to enhance their knowledge of traditional Chinese art and culture by having a better understanding of the Chinese characters through hands-on workshops. Students will also be introduced to Chinese classics such as Si Ku Quan Shu (Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature) and related library databases.

Chinese calligraphy offers a channel for the appreciation of traditional East Asian culture and aesthetics education. In 6 sessions, you will not only learn basic Chinese calligraphy techniques in line strokes and different script forms but also understand the meaning of certain Chinese characters from ancient intellectual documents and locate library learning resources for self-discovery and self-development.

No experience is required and writing materials (brush, ink and paper) with professional demonstration from a calligraphy master will be provided.

After the completion of workshops, you will :

  • Create your own calligraphic artwork and participate in an exhibition on Sharing the Experience of Chinese Calligraphy
  • Receive a masterpiece from a distinguished calligrapher to take home as a souvenir
  • Obtain a Certificate of Completion
