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Calligraphy Competitions

I. The Forms of Call of Papers

Science and Art – Students Calligraphy Competition and International Academic Symposium (Seoul 2018)

Chinese     English

Science and Art – Korean and Chinese Students Calligraphy Competition with Multimedia Creation Exhibition (Seoul 2020)

Chinese    English    Korean

Science and Art – Korean and Chinese Students Calligraphy Competition with Multimedia Creation Exhibition (Seoul 2022)

Chinese    English

II. List of Universities from Korea, Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China

Supported by the Jigu Institute, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong

Korea: Sungkyunkwan University; Seoul National University; Kyonggi University; Daejeon University
Mainland China: Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Zhejiang University; Tsinghua University;
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen); Central South University;
Hunan University of Technology and Business; Beijing Language and Culture University
Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong; Macau: University of Macau

III. Monographs

SCIENCE AND ART: Collection of Artworks from Korean and Chinese Student Calligraphy Competition, Seoul 2018
2018年科學與藝術 : 中韓青年書法大賞作品集
(Publisher: City University of Hong Kong; Published on 19 Nov 2019; ISBN (Print) 9789624424324)
SCEINCE AND ART: Collection of Artworks from Korea and Chinese Comepetion, 2020
(Publisher: City University of Hong Kong; Publishing Date: Forthcoming; ISBN (Print) 978-692-442-460-7)