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Audio description, arts translation and exhibition through engaged learning

The LHRC project strives to bring students from different background together to learn from the unique perspectives and strengths of one another. Most of the work done by students in the LHRC Project is consolidated and presented through exhibitions.

Many exhibitions, whether in libraries or museums, are overwhelmingly ocular-centric, and do not offer much for visually impaired visitors. Even when an individual display is not exclusively visual, the description of the display, which can offer so much insight, quite often is.

As with all students, the visually impaired have their own strengths and insights that can help create a balanced learning experience that benefits everyone. So, the visually impaired students, as part of the LHRC team, worked with other students and produced the following creative works to disseminate knowledge about lighthouses. With love, everyone can shine with boundless radiance.

2021 Audio description of the booklet, Seeing in the dark: Hong Kong Harbour and Lighthouses《夜航明燈: 香港港口與燈塔》展冊口述影像
Details here

2021 Exhibitions themed on “Seeing in the Dark: Hong Kong Harbour and Lighthouses”, on 1 and 2 May 2021 (Family Fun Day) at Hong Kong Maritime Museum香港海事博物館家庭同樂日主題展覽 - 夜航明燈:香港港口與燈塔
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2021 Exhibitions themed on “Seeing in the Dark: Hong Kong Harbour and Lighthouses”, on 15 and 16 May 2021 (International Museum Day 2021) at HKMM at Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館2021年國際博物館日主題展覽 - 夜航明燈:香港港口與燈塔
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