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Welcome to CityUHK


We are thrilled to have you here and excited for you to begin this new chapter in your life.

As a new student, there are many things to consider, and we want to make your transition as smooth as possible. Please read on and find out more about your forthcoming studies here.

Enjoy this exciting time in your life, and we look forward to welcoming you at CityUHK!

Key Dates

Please pay attention to the following essential items and complete them on time :

Before Departure
Apply for Student Visa As soon as possible
(You need to obtain your visa before departure & it takes 8 weeks or longer to process)
Apply for Student Residence
  • By 15 November 2024b (For inbound exchange students)
Accept Student Residence Offer

Refer to the deadline indicated in the result announcement email from SRO

Tentative result announcement dates:

  • By 15 November 2024b (For inbound exchange students)
Complete Online Pre-enrolment
  • For exchange students, please complete your online pre-enrolment procedures after receiving the pre-enrolment notice from GEO.
Take out Insurance Before departure
Complete Online Course Registration December 2024, refer to the slot indicated in your web registration time tickets
After Arrival
Check-in to Student Residencea

6 January 2025b onward

Complete Enrolment On-campus January 2025, refer to the time and venue indicated in the enrolment notification issued by ARRO (or SGS for postgraduate students)
Orientation Week 6 - 10 January 2025
Start of Semester 13 January 2025c
Deadline of Course Registration 20 January 2025c
Settle Tuition and Other Fees Refer to the Academic Calendar, students will receive an all-in-one payment notice



a. These items are NOT APPLICABLE to visiting students.

b. Please refer to Student Residence Office for the latest updates. The dates listed here are subject to change and are for reference only.

c. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the latest updates. The dates listed here are subject to change and are for reference only.

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When Should I Arrive in Hong Kong?
  • Suggested time: Students are advised to arrive exactly one week before the semester starts or, for research postgraduate students, on the date when their housing term begins.
  • Orientation week: An Orientation Programme for new students normally starts one week before the semester begins, which is also the start of the Student Residence housing term.
What Are the Points to Note If I Arrive Early?
  • Students who have successfully applied for accommodation at the Student Residence but plan to arrive in Hong Kong before the housing term will need to find temporary accommodation off campus. For information on off-campus accommodation, please visit the Student Residence Office's website.
What Should I Do If I Will Arrive Late?

Before Departure

After Arrival

Resources & Support

Global Engagement Office

Room 3-001, 3/F, CityU International Centre, 22 Cornwall Street, Kowloon,
Hong Kong SAR

 3442 8089