Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)
The government of the HKSAR has introduced a scheme called Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG) to encourage non-local graduates to stay and work as professionals in Hong Kong. Under the IANG, non-local students who have obtained a degree or higher qualification from a full-time, locally accredited local programme in Hong Kong may apply to stay (or return) and work in Hong Kong.
For Fresh Graduates (apply within 6 months after graduation)
Fresh graduates may apply to stay and work in Hong Kong without having secured an offer of employment upon application. They may be granted 24 months' stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay provided that normal immigration requirements are met.
For Returning Non-local Graduates (apply beyond 6 months after graduation)
Returning non-local graduates who wish to work in Hong Kong must have secured an offer of employment when they apply for IANG. An application will be favorably considered so long as the job is at a level commonly occupied by degree holders and the pay package is set at the market level.
For Graduates without Graduation of Certificate
Graduating who wish to apply for IANG but have not yet received the Graduation of Certificate may apply for interim extension of stay on student status.
Eligible applicants can submit their applications with supporting documents (if applicable) via the Immigration Department's online service at https://www.gov.hk/iang.
Further details about IANG can be obtained from the Hong Kong Immigration Department.