For Prospective Students
CityU offers various programmes under 9 colleges: College of Business, College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of Science, Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences, School of Creative Media, School of Data Science, School of Energy and Environment and School of Law. You can find the full list of programmes here: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/admo/programmes
Unless otherwise determined by the Senate for a specific course, the medium of instruction and assessment at the University is English.
We accept online applications. Applicants can complete and submit their applications on our Admissions Office's website: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/admo/apply-now/non-local-applicants
Each applicant has to pay an application fee of HKD 450.
The application deadline is typically early January in the year of the intake. Please refer to the website of CityU's Admissions Office for more information: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/admo/admissions/international-admissions#sidebar-title-2
CityU offers different entrance scholarships: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/international/udgadmission_scholarship.htm. Once applicants have submitted their online applications, they will be automatically considered for scholarship as well.
Applicants holding the following documents issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department are classified as non-local students:
- student visa / entry permit; or
- visa / entry permit under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates; or
- dependant visa / entry permit (for students who were 18 years old or above when they were issued with such visa / entry permit by the Director of Immigration)
Please visit this webpage of our Admissions Office for details:
Applicants whose entrance qualifications were obtained in a language other than English are required to show proof of English language proficiency to meet the English language requirement:
You can visit our Admissions Office's FAQ: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/admo/faq?kind=nonlocal_applicants, or send us an email at overseas@cityu.edu.hk, so that one of our officers in charge of international admissions can answer your questions.