College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Awards & Funding Opportunities


Awards (click for details) Details Awardees
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award


  1. The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) introduced the Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award in 2012 in order to further promote the concept and culture of knowledge transfer (KT) in the college. Knowledge transfer projects will be selected for receiving the awards. Through this award, colleagues are encouraged to share with each other their innovative KT projects/activities so that new and innovative ideas can further be generated.


  1. CLASS full-time faculty members, academic and teaching staff members are eligible to enter the contest.


  1. The Award rewards knowledge transfer excellence by giving ONE winner a certificate and an award of HK$15,000 for supporting his/her knowledge transfer and research activities. Certificate will be presented to TWO awardees of merit.

Submission of Documents

By Application

  1. Applications would include on-going or completed KT projects within three years. Each application should demonstrate clear evidences on innovation, engagement or impact on the community.
  2. Previously awarded projects for the CLASS Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award and proposals bidding for UGC Knowledge Transfer Earmarked Fund will not be considered.
  3. The application should include the following:
    • Summary
    • Objectives
    • Project descriptions
    • Project team
    • Timeline
    • Innovation, engagement or impact
  4. Please submit your application to CLASS by email to on or before 10 January 2025.

By Nomination

  1. Heads are invited to nominate a maximum of two KT projects for the award. Nominations should be made by completing the Nomination Form and returning the completed application materials to CLASS by email to on or before 10 January 2025.

Selection Criteria

  1. Candidates will be selected according to the following aspects:
    • Evidence on innovation, engagement or impact
    • Innovation
    • Professional enhancement
    • Knowledge advancement
    • Sustainability

Selection Panel

  1. A Selection Panel composing both internal and external members will be formed to select one winner and two awardees of merit.


  1. For any queries, please contact the College Office via
Awardees 2023/24
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Prof Ben LI Kin-kit
Prof Dannii YEUNG
Social and Behavioural Sciences Dissemination of the Caregiver Support Project for Caregivers of Frail Older Adults
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Prof LIU Xiaofan Media and Communication AI for Farmers: A Speech Dialog App for Pesticide Safe Use
Prof CHAN Siu-ming Social and Behavioural Sciences Urban Graduation Approach to Uplift Poor Households out of Poverty
Awardees 2022/23
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Mr LI Lin Chinese and History Shanxi Cultural Exhibition
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Dr Maggie MAI Ziyin Linguistics and Translation Optimizing caretaker input for multilingual children: from predictive models to input recommendations
Dr WANG Xiaohui Media and Communication Monitoring and Predicting the International Talent Flow
Awardees 2021/22
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Dr Annis FUNG Lai-chu Social and Behavioural Sciences Group Storytelling Intervention Based on Social Information Processing (SIP) Model to Reduce Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Young Schoolchildren
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Dr Nancy YU Xiaonan Social and Behavioural Sciences Promoting emotional resilience to prevent parent–child conflicts among newly arrived and cross-boundary families
Dr Edmund CHENG Public and International Affairs (formerly Public Policy) Risk perceptions and social compliance during the pandemic: A cross-national panel study
Awardees 2020/21
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Dr CHOW Oi Wah Esther Social and Behavioural Sciences Rethinking and Shaping Knowledge and Practice on Aging: Forging close ties among universities, industries, and the wider public
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Dr TSUI Lik Hang Chinese and History A Chinese-English Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of Junior Secondary Chinese History to Support Non-Chinese Speaking Students Learning Chinese History and Culture in Secondary Schools
Prof Diane PECORARI English Multimodal English Language Learning
Awardees 2019/20
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Dr Jack PUN English Developing effective clinical communication at nursing handover: improving patient safety, experiences and outcomes in Hong Kong
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Dr CHOW Wing Yin Bonnie Social and Behaviourial Sciences Catering the needs of diverse learners using interactive dialogue and creative literacy activities in English language education
Dr Annis FUNG Lai-chu Social and Behaviourial Sciences Omega-3 supplementation to reduce externalizing behavior problems in risk-taking adolescents: A randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial
Awardees 2018/19
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Prof LO Tit-wing Social and Behaviourial Sciences Develop the Ten-year Rehabilitation Programme Plan for Macau 2016-2025
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Dr KAM Ping-kwong Social and Behaviourial Sciences Working in partnership with social work students to promote service users’ perspective on the qualities of social workers
Dr John LEE Sie-yuen Linguistics and Translation Computer-Assisted Conversation Analysis
Awardees 2016/17
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Dr LI Wanxin Public and International Affairs (formerly Public Policy) 2016 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens Green Ambassador Scheme
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Dr Annis FUNG Lai-chu Social and Behavioural Sciences The Pioneer Study of Innovation Treatment for Reducing Aggressive Behaviour through Chinese Martial Arts and Ethic Program
Dr Christoph A. HAFNER English Digital Multimedia Resource for Legal English: An interdisciplinary project
Awardees 2015/16
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Dr Yanto CHANDRA Public and International Affairs (formerly Public Policy) Empowering Society with Social Innovation
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Dr HE Zhou Media and Communication Four-episode documentary on the Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC)
Dr John Sie Yuen LEE Linguistics and Translation Data-driven Language Learning
Dr TSE Wing-ling John Social and Behavioural Sciences Continuing Education for Offenders: A Taste of University and Rainbow Reading Award Scheme
Awardees 2014/15
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Dr Elaine AU Social and Behavioural Sciences The Carbon Trade Game project – Bringing participatory learning experiences on environment and sustainability to local schools and communities - by City-Youth Empowerment Project
Prof Linda WONG Public and International Affairs (formerly Public Policy) Project Flame, Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship@CityU
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Dr Maria FRANCESCH-HUIDOBRO Public and International Affairs (formerly Public Policy) A Carbon Reduction Implementation and Assessment Strategy for Hong Kong

Awardees 2013/14
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Dr Esther CHOW Social and Behavioural Sciences Strength-based “Train the Trainer” Practice: Narrative therapy in Action
Dr Sylvia KWOK Social and Behavioural Sciences Integration and Application of Family Therapy and Computer Program Knowledge – from Teachers to Students to Counseling Professionals for Developing Family Communication and Harmony
Dr Nancy YU Xiaonan Social and Behavioural Sciences Developing and Evaluating a Resilience Intervention in New Immigrants
Certificate of Merit
Awardee Department Project
Dr Jonathan LONDON Public and International Affairs (formerly Asian and International Studies) Multiple Consultancy Projects Concerning the Promotion of Wellbeing in Viet Nam
Dr Maria FRANCESCH-HUIDOBRO Public and International Affairs (formerly Public Policy) Enabling Low Carbon Living in Shek Kip Mei (ENLOCALI)
Dr Elaine AU Social and Behavioural Sciences “Serve, learn, and change” - Knowledge Transfer to Promote Social Changes: City-Youth Empowerment Project
Awardees 2012/13
Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award
Awardee Department Project
Dr Annis FUNG Lai-chu Social and Behavioural Sciences Project C.A.R.E.: Children and Adolescents at Risk Education
Prof Samuel M.Y. HO Social and Behavioural Sciences
Dr KAM Ping-kwong Social and Behavioural Sciences Transferring and Promoting the Skills in Leading Group Games – A Collective Book Project with CityU Social Work Students
New Researcher Award


  1. City University of Hong Kong aspires to become a leading global University, excelling in research and professional education. The objectives of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS)’s New Researcher Award Scheme (the Scheme) are:
    1. to recognise and reward research excellence at CLASS, CityUHK;
    2. to emphasise the University's commitment to create an environment conducive to high quality research at an internationally competitive level; and
    3. to enhance the University's performance in the delivery of its research agenda.


  1. CLASS full-time faculty members who are within 5 years of the award of their PhD.


  1. The Scheme rewards research excellence by giving ONE winner a certificate and an award of HK$15,000.

Submission of Documents

By Application

  1. The application should consist of a summary description (maximum 5 pages) of the work of the researcher covering:
    • ORCID;
    • a description of the research undertaken;
    • list of Published Research Outputs (PROs) since award of PhD, and manuscripts of his/her best one or two items of research output. The research work’s significance, (for example, journal standing, citation etc.) and contribution to society;
    • impact on the discipline of knowledge; and
    • recognitions, prizes, research grants or patents obtained.
  2. Please submit your application to CLASS by email to on or before 10 January 2025.

By Nomination

  1. Heads may nominate a maximum of two faculty members with outstanding performance in research for the award. Nominations should be made by completing the Nomination Form and returning the completed form with the nominee's summary description of his/her research work as required in the “By Application” section to CLASS by email to on or before 10 January 2025. Prior consent of the nominees must be obtained before submitting a nomination.

Selection Criteria

  1. Candidates will be selected mainly on the basis of evidence represented by their PROs. Only published articles will be considered and the publication year will be based on the year indicated in the journals concerned. Quality, relevance, coherence, and impact will be considered in totality in assessing the PROs submitted and the quality of the research activities from which these PROs arise. Grants, prizes and other forms of recognition will also be considered in making the award.

Selection Panel

  1. The Scheme will be administered by the College Research Committee of CLASS. A selection panel will be formed to select one candidate for award. Comments of the respective Department and external peer assessments may be invited when necessary.


  1. For any queries, please contact the College Office via
Awardee 2025

Awardee Department
Prof Lamson LIN Shen Social and Behavioural Sciences
Awardee 2024

Awardee Department
Prof CHAN Siu-ming Social and Behavioural Sciences
Awardee 2023

Awardee Department
Dr DAI Yue Media and Communication
Awardee 2022

Awardee Department
Dr WEN Bo Public and International Affairs (formerly Public Policy)
Awardee 2020

Awardee Department
Dr TSUI Lik-hang Chinese and History
Awardee 2019

Awardee Department
Dr Jack PUN English
Awardee 2018

Awardee Department
Dr Ki Joon KIM Media and Communication
Awardee 2016

Awardee Department
Dr ZHANG Xiaoling Public and International Affairs (formerly Public Policy)
Awardee 2014

Awardee Department
Dr JUNG Chan Su Public and International Affairs (formerly Public Policy)
Outstanding Research Papers Awards Scheme


The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) has established the Outstanding Research Papers Awards Scheme for PhD Students aiming:

  1. to encourage PhD students to publish in top quality journals during their studies;
  2. to recognise and reward research excellence; and
  3. to emphasise the University's commitment to create an environment conducive to high quality research at an internationally competitive level.


All CLASS PhD students (including self-financed and Joint PhD students*) are eligible to apply, except those who have been recommended for award of PhD.

* Joint PhD students are only eligible to apply when they are registered at CityUHK in Hong Kong.

PhD students who have a paper published in/ accepted by a top quality journal (i.e. SSCI, SCI, AHCI or equivalent) as an author or a co-author during the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024. Publications which were previously awarded are not eligible.

To enable more students to benefit from the scheme, each PhD student will only be allowed to submit one application starting from 2023/24.


A certificate and a maximum award of $5,000@ would be offered to awardee on a reimbursement basis to cover the cost of copy-editing.

@ Subject to the funding/quota availability and compliance with relevant financial regulations/policies. The number and allocation of awards are at the discretion of the College. Reimbursement shall be completed by 30 June 2025 and unspent balance would not be carried forward.

If a publication selected for the award was submitted by more than one applicant, the authorship and contribution of respective applicants to that publication will be considered in the allocation of the award to the applicants. One award might be shared by more than one applicant.


Applicants should submit the application form with supporting documents to the College Office via their Departments (by email to on/before 10 January 2025 (Friday).

Selection Procedure and Criteria

Applications would be considered by the College Research Committee. Quality, journal rating, involvement of the applicant in the paper and impact will be considered in assessing the application.

The College Office will inform the applicant and the respective Department Head of the results.


For any inquiries, please contact the College Office at


Dept Awardees
COM LIU Haodong
PIA AGOJO Kevin Nielsen Magat
SS LI Xuhong
SS SUN Chaoran


Dept Awardees
COM MAO Yuanyi
LT WU Yushu
PIA HE Zhongzhi
PIA WANG Shuhong
PIA YUAN Zhihang
SS ANDERSON Karoline Anita
SS LI Yumei
SS XIE Xuying


Dept Awardees
COM LIU Ruoheng
COM WU Yuheng
PIA WANG Shuhong
SS LI Yumei
SS SUN Chaoran
SS ZHANG Qiaochu


Dept Awardees
COM CHEN Zhicong
COM LU Fangcao
COM YU Wenting
EN YU Qianwen
LT YIP Yi Yuk Vivian
PIA (formerly POL) DONG Binzizi
PIA (formerly POL) HE Li
SS CUDJOE Ebenezer


Dept Awardees
COM CHU Tsz Hang
COM WARUWU Barui Kurniawan
LT HE Juan
LT XUE Wenting
PIA (formerly POL) DU Mengbing
SS CUDJOE Ebenezer
SS MA Zewei


Dept Awardees
EN WU Junjie
LT HAN Qianwen
LT SABERI, Dariush
PIA (formerly POL) CHEN Wenna
PIA (formerly POL) LIU Yongshen
PIA (formerly POL) ZHAO Nannan


Dept Awardees
PIA (formerly POL) CHEN Wenna
PIA (formerly POL) YUAN Dinghuan
SS HU Jieyi
SS IP Priscilla Sei Yah
SS LO Siu Chung
SS TAN Yaqian

Faculty Start-up grant application

Grants administered by the University

Scheme (click for details) Details Successful Case
Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme [Click here]
  • Accommodating the Needs of Persons with Disabilities in Policies concerning Public Health Emergencies: Law, Ethics and Practice
    by Dr Esther CHOW (CLASS) and Dr Stephenson CHOW (SLW)
  • Demographic and Social Indicators of Youth Volunteering in Hong Kong
    by Dr AU LIU Suk-ching Elaine
Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) Funding Scheme [Click here]
  • Hong Kong Professional Services in the Co-evolving Belt-Road Initiative: Innovative Agency for Sustainable Development
    by Prof Prof LI Che-lan Linda
The Sumitomo Foundation
  • Grant for Japan-related Research Projects
  • Grant Program of The Sumitomo Foundation
[Click here]
  • From Rigidity to Fluidity: The Transitional Male Gender Role in Today's Japan
    by Dr TSANG Yuk Ha Eileen
Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) [Click here]
  • CityPal: a chatbot for enhancing young adults' psychological well-being
    by Dr LEE Sie-yuen John
Health Care and Promotion Scheme (HCPS) [Click here]
  • A Psychological Intervention to Enhance Resilience in Mainland New Immigrants to Hong Kong
    by Dr Nancy YU Xiaonan
Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) [Click here]
  • Automatic Generation of Exercises for Learning Chinese
    by Dr LEE John Sie-yuen
Natural Science Foundation of China [Click here]
  • Transitional development and governance of small towns in China (我国小城镇的转型发展与治理研究)
    by Prof ZHANG Xiaoling
The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (CCKF) [Click here]
  • A Comprehensive Test of Policy Innovation Theses: The Taiwanese Bookstart Program
    by Prof Richard M WALKER
Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) [Click here]
  • Study on Effective Strategies to Facilitate School-to-work Transition of Young Persons with Disabilities in Hong Kong
    by Dr KWAN Chi-kin
ACLS International Programs [Click here] N/A
ACLS Fellowship & Grant Programs [Click here] N/A
Simon K Y Lee Foundation Ltd [Click here]
  • Caregiver Support Model & Psycho-education Program on Empowerment: Development and Validation
    by Prof LO Tit-wing
Standing Committee on Language Education and Research
  • R&D projects
  • Language Fund
[Click here]
  • Phonetic and Phonological Characteristics of Workplace English produced by University Graduates in Hong Kong
    by Dr LI Bin
Tin Ka Ping Foundation [Click here]
  • Tin Ka Ping P.A.T.H.S. Project
    by Dr LEE Tak-yan

For more information about internal and external research grants administered by the University, please visit the University’s Research Grants and Contracts Office.

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