College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences


An overseas learning journey often creates invaluable experiences for students. Not only do they learn to appreciate new cultures, broaden global vision and make lifelong friends, but they can also sharpen their communication, problem-solving and other soft skills which help future-proof their career.

Reaching out across the globe

CLASS is committed to enrich students’ international exposure and learning experience. To strengthen its internationalisation efforts, it establishes and nurtures partnership with a list of prominent overseas institutions including:

  • Erasmus University College, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Hanyang University, Republic of Korea
  • Hertford College of the University of Oxford, UK
  • Leiden University, The Netherlands
  • Université de Montréal, Canada
  • University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Yonsei University, Republic of Korea

A full list of partner institutions is available here

Outbound Internationalisation Activities

With this strong network, CLASS is able to arrange around 60% of students to participate in internationalisation programmes of different natures each year. The semester-long outbound exchange, allows students to live and study in an overseas environment and transfer earned credits back to CityU. Also available is the Cultural and Language Immersion (CALI), which focuses on cultivating students’ cultural awareness and language ability. Students joining these programmes will immerse themselves in another culture - it can be challenging but hugely rewarding!

Inbound Exchange to CityU CLASS

CLASS also receives international students from partner institutions for inbound exchange. Admitted students will be assigned to one of the six departments of CLASS, each with an exchange coordinator who can provide practical advice on their studies in Hong Kong. They will interact with local students in both academic and social settings, and take the chance to experience this vibrant and multicultural city.

Feel free to explore various exchange opportunities on offer. It is perhaps the first step for you – current CLASS student or prospective exchange student - to go global!

Contact Us

Departmental Exchange Coordinators

Department Name Email Tel. no.
Department of Chinese and History (CAH) Prof CAO Nanlai Email address 3442 5601
Department of Media and Communication (COM) Prof ZHOU Shuhua Email address 3442 9331
Department of English (EN) Prof Reto WINCKLER Email address 3442 9350
Department of Linguistics and Translation (LT) Prof LI Jixing Email address 3442 5596
Department of Public and International Affairs (PIA) Prof Bill TAYLOR Email address 3442 9612
Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences (SS) Prof CHEN Hui-fang Email address 3442 2972

General Inquiry

Tel: +852 3442 4833
Fax: +852 3442 0364

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