College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Cross-Institutional Course Enrolment Scheme


The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) of City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) and the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have entered into a collaboration agreement establishing a cross-institutional course enrolment scheme (undergraduate-level) for implementation from Semester A 2022/23.

The proposed cross-institutional course enrolment scheme will enhance the diversity of elective courses for undergraduate students from both institutions, thus enabling students to broaden their scope of course selection as well as their knowledge exposure.

Application Period for 2024/2025

Term Application Period Last day for Course Drop
Semester A / Fall Term 24 July - 6 August 2024 By 9 September 2024 (at CityUHK)
By 14 September 2024 (at HKUST)
Semester B / Spring Term 7-14 January 2025
(for applicants from CityUHK CLASS)
3-9 December 2024
(for applicants from HKUST AIS)
By 20 January 2025 (at CityUHK)
By 15 February 2025 (at HKUST)

Guidelines Governing the Cross-Institutional Course Enrolment Scheme between CLASS and HKUST


This Agreement is made between College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS), City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) and Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Both parties shall, on the basis of reciprocity, support and promote the spirit of this Agreement and the Annexes, which allows students to gain access to partner institution's expertise.


  • “Home Institution” shall mean the university providing the students.
  • “Host Institution” shall mean the university accepting the students.


  1. Students who wish to apply for courses offered by the partner institution should submit an application to the Host Institution via their Home Institution by the deadline stipulated by each institution for each term. The application should be accompanied by the endorsement of their Home Institution.
  2. Students admitted to a course will be officially registered as a visiting student in CityUHK or regular student under a non-degree seeking program in HKUST and are required to participate fully in the course, which includes completion of coursework and examination, if applicable, according to the schedule of the course-offering institution.
  3. The Host Institution will provide tuition fee and application fee waiver to students.
  4. Up to FIVE (5) students from each institution will participate in this scheme in any individual semester. Acceptance of the student is at the discretion of the Host Institution, taking into account its quota availability and other relevant factors.
  5. The course instructor will follow the assessment grading system adopted by the Host Institution. The course grade will not be converted to the Home Institution.
  6. Grades will be assigned to students at the end of a course, and a transcript will be sent to the Home Institution for release to their students. To comply with the requirement of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the consent of students for the release of their course results to their Home Institution will be sought during the course application stage.
  7. The decision as to how the grades should be used and whether credit transfer will be granted is the sole discretion of the Home Institution.

Information for CityUHK CLASS students

Information for HKUST AIS students

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