
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (國家自然科學基金委員會) Schemes 2024 Funding Results

The results of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Schemes 2024 Exercise were released recently. We are pleased to share with you the good news our faculty members have been awarded the NSFC grants this year:

Young Scientist Fund (青年科學基金項目)

Principal Investigator Project Title Approved Amount (RMB)
Professor Dengwu JIAO
基於磁流變響應的鋼纖維砂漿界面過渡區微結構調控機理研究 300K
Professor Xianfei YIN
數據驅動的城市地下排水管網病害智能診斷與時空級聯機理研究 300K
Professor Bing FU
活細菌單分子成像與追踪揭示CpxA/CpxR信號傳導中的動態互作機制及與耐藥性的聯繫 300K
Professor Minjing DONG
基於隨機抵御策略的對抗鲁棒ViT網絡研究 300K
Professor Gengbo WU
基於時空調製超表面天綫的多諧波實時成像技術研究 300K
Professor Nan LI
用於鈣鈦礦應變調控的聚合物界面材料及其光伏性能研究 300K
Professor Cheng LIU
航空複合材料疲勞裂紋損傷診斷研究:一種融合物理機理的數據驅動方法 300K


Young Scientist Fund (青年科學基金項目) via Shenzhen Research Institute (SRI)

Principal Investigator Project Title Approved Amount (RMB)
Dr Chaojian HOU
面向靶向氫氣治療的磁控微機器人集成系統電解供氫機制研究 300K
Dr Feng ZHU
電極/固態電解質界面空間電荷層動力學的高時空分辨研究 300K
Professor Penghao DUAN
基於多尺度算法的跨音速高壓渦輪葉片氣膜冷卻流動傳熱機理研究 300K


The Young Scientists Fund is an important funding scheme under NSFC’s talent funding system. It supports young scientists to freely choose their research topics within the funding scope of NSFC to conduct basic research, fosters the ability of young scientists to independently undertake research projects and do creative research, stimulates creative thinking of young scientists and trains backup talents for basic research.


General Program (面上項目) via Shenzhen Research Institute (SRI)

Principal Investigator Project Title Approved Amount (RMB)
Professor Sai Wing TSANG
電吸收光譜法探究Y系列非富勒烯受體中分子結構與電荷轉移特性的關係 500K
Professor Qichun ZHANG
醚鏈和全氟烷基鏈兩親性材料在保護鋰負極方面的應用研究 500K


Excellent Young Scientists Fund (優秀青年科學基金項目)

Principal Investigator Project Title Approved Amount (RMB)
Professor Junhui HOU
高維視覺信息重建和處理 2M


The Excellent Young Scientists Fund supports young scholars with good achievements in basic research to conduct innovative research in areas of their own choice, so as to promote fast growth of creative young talents and foster a number of outstanding talents on the international science frontiers.


National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (國家傑出青年科學基金)

Principal Investigator Project Title Approved Amount (RMB)
Professor Chenjie XU
新型微針診療器件的設計和醫學應用 4M


The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars supports young scholars who have made outstanding achievements in basic research to select their own research directions to conduct creative research, so as to speed up the growth of young scientific talents, encourage overseas talents and foster a group of prominent academic pacemakers in the forefront of world science and technology.

Congratulations to all grant recipients!

