15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award

Professor Jinlian HU

With much pleasure to share the good news that Professor Hu Jinlian from the Department of Biomedical Engineering has been conferred the 15th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award (光華工程科技獎)  by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), in recognition of her contributions to textile materials science.
Established in 1996, the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award is a biennial award at the national level to honor Chinese engineers and scientists who have made outstanding achievements and significant contributions to engineering technology and engineering management.

This is regarded as the highest award in the field of engineering science and technology in China. It is very competitive among the best engineers and scientists. This year, Professor Hu is one of three Hong Kong scholars and one of the six female awardees.
Congratulations to Professor Hu!


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