CityU X Sino GCSP Sharing Session

Sino Group Sponsors the Grand Challenges Scholars Program to Support CityU
Students in Addressing the Most Important Engineering Problems in the World

The CityU X Sino Grand Challenges Scholars Program (the Program), which acknowledges the patronage of the Sino Group, supports 160 engineering and science students at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in receiving training and mentorship by industry leaders, attending overseas summits, and undertaking summer research projects from 2021 to 2025 to address the most important engineering problems in the world.


CityU X Sino Grand Challenges Scholars Program Sharing Session.


The Grand Challenges Scholars Program is initiated by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in the US and supported by a donation of around HK$1 million from the Sino Group to CityU. The Program prepares students to apply knowledge for the needs of society, especially in areas such as sustainability, health, security, and joy of living, through five key components: research experience, interdisciplinary curriculum, entrepreneurship, global dimension, and service-learning.

A sharing session was held earlier by CityU with representatives from Sino Group invited to exchange ideas with students who participated in the Program. Guests including Mr Andrew Young, Associate Director (Innovation), Sino Group; Ms Vivian Lee, Group General Manager (Corporate Marketing & Communications), Sino Group; Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on, Vice-President (Development and External Relations); Ms Kathy Chan Yin-ling, Associate Vice-President (Development and Alumni Relations); Professor Daniel Ho Wing-cheong, Former Director of the Program and Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education), College of Science; and Dr Andy Chan Hau-ping, Director of the Program and Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering attended the sharing session.

Students shared their learning experiences and outcomes after joining the Program. “The opportunity offered by the Program is interdisciplinary. I am aware of how engineering solutions may contribute to social issues like containing infectious diseases and rehabilitating disabilities. I also have the chance to integrate my computational techniques into engineering knowledge to solve problems related to infrastructure under the guidance of professional engineers,” said Wijaya Ignatius Alvin, a fresh graduate from the Department of Mathematics and the Gold Awardee of the Program in 2021.

Mr Young said, “Sino Group is delighted to support this meaningful program organised by CityU to encourage engineering and science students in pursuit of profound knowledge and trailblazing solutions to address the pressing engineering issues in the world. This echoes with our vision of ‘Creating Better Lifescapes’, through empowering our community, especially the younger generation, to work together towards a more sustainable future. I look forward to seeing more students benefit from the Program in the years to come, taking on a fruitful journey of innovation and technology, while fulfilling their personal aspirations.” 

Sino X_cert presentation
Mr Andrew Young (left) presents the Gold Award of the CityU X Sino Grand Challenges Scholars Program to Wijaya Ignatius Alvin (right).

On behalf of CityU, Professor Lee presented a terrarium with a mini ecosystem built by our student representatives. It symbolises the spirit of students using their creativity to build a better future. 








學生於分享會中分享參與計劃的得著。獲得本計劃2021年度金獎的數學系應屆畢業生Wijaya Ignatius Alvin表示︰「此活動讓我有機會應用跨學科知識,令我明白工程學如何能夠解決社會問題,例如控制傳染病及協助傷健人士康復。在專業工程師指導下,我學習到如何將自己的運算知識應用到工程學上,解決有關基建的問題。」



Sino X_cert presentation
楊孟璋先生(左)向Wijaya Ignatius Alvin頒發「城大X信和大挑戰學者計劃」金獎。

